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All women are invited to MI-ACE Women's Network Lunch and Learn Feb. 27

Release Date
Event Date
Henry Ford College Welcome Center, Community Rooms
MI-ACE logo

The MI-ACE Women's Network at HFC is hosting a “Lunch and Learn” in the Community Rooms of the Welcome Center (Bldg. WC) Thursday, Feb. 27, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The guest speaker will be Martha Grier, MI-ACE Co-Chair of Professional Development, who will talk about the "Essentials of Work-Life Balance."

With a work-life balance, you will be able to manage your time better, which will impact various aspects of your life positively. This Lunch and Learn will provide focus on relevant life experience and work matters, setting practical goals, and communicating and managing better.

Bring your lunch. Drinks and snacks will be provided. Please also take five minutes to complete this survey.

Dr. Susan Shunkwiler and Shai James-Boyd are the MI-ACE Women's Network institutional representatives. RSVP to attend the Lunch and Learn event by Monday, Feb. 24, by noon to