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Women's Recognition Award nominations due by March 4

Release Date
Women's Recognition Luncheon graphic for 2019

The Women's Recognition Luncheon (WRL) Committee is seeking nominees for this year's Women's Recognition Award by Monday, March 4.

Each year, a Women's Recognition Award is presented to one faculty member, one administrator, and one staff member. The winners will be announced at the Women's Recognition Luncheon, which is scheduled for Friday, March 22. Please review the list of past winners because nominees can only win once. (The 2018 winners, not listed at the above link, were Peggy Strachan, Becky Chadwick, and Jacqueline Lawson. Roxanne McDonald won the Role Model Award).

The WRL Committee invites you to nominate a person you feel deserves one of the awards. Please include the following information:

  • Name
  • Title (faculty, staff, administration)
  • Department
  • How long she has worked at HFC (optional)
  • A summary of why you feel this person deserves the award (i.e., achievements, leadership skills, cares about students)

Email this information to Dr. Brenda Hildreth by close of business Monday, March 4, at

Information about donating to the luncheon and registering to attend the luncheon is here