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Welcome Back Days, September 19 events

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Student and Culinary Art Center (Building M)
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Start your Fall 2019 semester right by participating in a week of fun at HFC's Welcome Back Days! Join in for a week of fun activities and student resources.

Thursday, September 19

11:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m.

Student & Culinary Arts Center (Building M)

  • Concert featuring Danika Portz

    Singer/ Songwriter Danika Portz is upcoming music artist with a creative soulful and catchy songs, well known song "Coming Home to You".

  • HFC Chorus performance at 12:45 p.m.

    The Music Department provides a special performance featuring HFC's Chorus performing a wide variety of music, including classical, pop, and jazz.

  • Student Activities Informational

    Learn about Campus Life and how Student Activities complement formal class instruction! Enhance your overall HFC educational experience while helping students, developing leadership,communication skills and organizational techniques by engaging with the HFC community.

  • Hawk's Nest

    The Hawks’ Nest provides supplemental food assistance to Henry Ford College students. Learn information about other resources available in the community.

  • Voter Registration

    The SAO provides information on volunteer activities, on-campus as well as in the community. Many worthwhile opportunities are available.

  • Student Support Services

    Student Outreach and Support provides personal and career counseling, a series of workshops, and funding to help HFC students succeed.

  • Volunteer Opportunities

    Learn excellent opportunities to get involved with your HFC community.

For further information about HFC's Welcome Back Days please reach out to The Office of Student Activities Building M-105.