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Video and statement from President Kavalhuna: Academic support for students after weather closures

Release Date

From President Russ Kavalhuna to HFC students

Please connect with our academic support services if you are concerned about keeping up in classes

Dear HFC students,

I have heard from many of you who are concerned about getting behind in your classes because of the days we've had to close the College this semester.

Henry Ford College is here to help. We have many resources to help you succeed, and all of them are free to you as a student. Start by talking to your instructors, to let them know about your concerns, and ask for their help.

I also encourage you to go to the Learning Success Center in Building A of our main campus, or check out the many student success resources listed on our website. A quick way to find these resources is to visit, and go to Student Services.

A quick list of some of our academic support services, for your reference:

  • Learning Lab
  • Writing Center
  • Library
  • Academic Advising
  • Counseling
  • Assisted Learning
  • Public Speaking Lab
  • Technology Resources
  • College Store
  • Veterans Services

We are here for your success. Reach out to any of us at any time, and we'll do everything we can to support you.

You may reach me at or My Facebook page is