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Shai James-Boyd, Elizabeth Preston published in Ferris State’s “Perspectives”

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Headshots of Shai James-Boyd and Beth Preston

Perspectives on Adaptive Change

S hai James Boyd and Elizabeth Preston are enrolled in the Ferris State University Doctorate in Community College Leadership program. Both were invited to write an essay for one of the university’s publications, “Perspectives.” Their essays appear side-by-side on the second page of the publication, titled, “Emerging Leader Perspectives.” They share their perspectives on how leaders can drive adaptive change in their organizations.

Shai highlighted the challenges community colleges face when adapting to change. She stressed the importance of leaders working collaboratively to move their institutions forward.

Beth spoke about ways leaders might accomplish adaptive change. As an example, she described how Henry Ford College leadership inspired the campus to find new approaches of enrolling students for Fall 2019, which resulted in the first enrollment increase in 10 years.

The publication also includes pieces by Director of the Doctorate in Community College Leadership Program, Dr. Roberta Teahen, and world-renowned thought leader on education George R. Boggs.

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