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Respiratory Therapy receives Distinguished RRT Credentialing Success award

Release Date
Photo of a respiratory therapist student with a training mannequin in a simulated hospital setting.

F or the seventh year, HFC’s Respiratory Therapist program is among a select group of programs that received the Distinguished RRT (Registered Respiratory Therapist) Credentialing Success award from the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care.

This award is presented as part of CoARC’s continued efforts to value the RRT credential as a standard of professional achievement. CoARC values the RRT credential as a measure of a program’s outstanding success in inspiring its graduates to achieve the highest educational and professional aspirations.

Programs are selected for this award based on objective criteria from the Annual Report of Current Status. The criteria include:
• Three years or more of valid outcomes data
• Maintaining accreditation without a progress report
• Documenting RRT credentialing success of 90 percent or above
• Meeting or exceeding established CoARC thresholds for Certified Respiratory Therapist credentialing success, program retention, on-time graduation rates, and job placement

“The Respiratory Therapist Program at HFC is honored to receive this award,” said Kim Najarian, HFC RRT program director. “We take great pride in our students’ success during the course of this program and after they have graduated and as they continue on in their careers as registered respiratory therapists.”

For information about the Respiratory Therapist Program, visit the RPT website or contact Najarian at