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Marine veteran, triathlete amputee hosts goal-setting workshop at HFC

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Rosenau Board Rooms, Andrew A. Mazzara Administrative & Services Conference Center (ASCC) (Building L)
Eric McElvenny, who lost his right leg while serving in Afghanistan, has run eight Ironman Triathlons.

During his final tour of duty in the United States Marine Corps, Captain Eric McElvenny stepped on an improvised explosive device in Afghanistan. It changed his life forever.

McElvenny’s right leg had to be amputated below the knee. However, in his words, it was “a small setback.” (Watch a 10-minute video of his story at his website.)

“There were a few things that helped me become motivated to move forward after losing my leg,” said McElvenny, of Pittsburgh, who’ll be speaking about goal setting at HFC in the Roseanau Room in the ASCC (Bldg. L) on Tuesday, Oct. 1, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.

Support, upbringing, and perspective

“First, my support system was, and still is, very strong. My wife Rachel, my kids, my parents, and my friends always believed in me and gave me a reason to push forward. They also taught me a lot of really funny amputee jokes. Their high expectations of me became my expectations,” recalled McElvenny.

“Two, my upbringing. My parents raised my sisters and me not to quit. This is one of the principles that stuck with me throughout my life. My mom was also very much like a Marine drill instructor! Don’t tell her I said that, though.”

The United States Naval Academy alumnus continued: “Perspective was also important. My injury could’ve been a lot worse. I knew Marines and sailors who were more severely injured. My setback wasn't going to keep me back from doing something I loved: Competing in sports. Finally, God was my foundation through the difficult days.”

Keeping his faith

McElvenny spoke about how his faith sustained him when others might have lost theirs.

“As a Marine officer, I felt like I needed to be in control. When I stepped on that IED, I remember the feeling of that control being ripped away. My body was violently thrown to the ground, and I knew I wasn't in control. This served as a physical representation that God is in control. I was quick to put my faith in God,” he said.

A promise to himself

After his injury, McElvenny faced an uncertain future. Having always been active in sports, he made a promise to himself to run in the Ironman Triathlon.

“It ended up being harder than I expected,” he confessed. He gutted it out. To date, he’s ran eight Ironman Triathlons.

Inspiring others

On his arduous journey from the hospital bed in southern California to the finish line in Kona, Hawaii, he realized the challenge and adversity he was up against and the techniques he used to surpass them could be used to deal with the challenges others face.

He’s been a motivational speaker for several years.

“After running the Ironman Triathlon, people asked me if I could share my story with their groups. People enjoyed it, and I realized it was inspiring others to tackle their challenges. So I kept doing it,” he said.

Coming to campus

McElvenny is looking forward to coming to HFC for the first time on Oct. 1.

“What a wonderful campus, and beautiful time of year! HFC empowers students to set and achieve life goals. I would like to add to that,” said McElvenny. “I want to share my story and bring out principles of character, so the students have something to implement in their daily lives. I love meeting new people, and I get to speak to and spend time with some of the best audiences. I really love it when someone stays in touch and reaches out to me with questions, or to share with me that they reached one of their own goals. That warms my heart.”

Added HFC Student Activities Associate Mandy Earl: “We are excited to have Eric come to campus to share his inspiring story with the students. We think the students who attend the presentation will leave feeling motivated to push themselves to reach their own goals.”

The event is free and open to the public. For more information, contact Earl at 313-317-176 or