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Join us for the MI-ACE Women's Network fall meet-and-greet luncheon

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Henry Ford College Welcome Center, Community Rooms
MI-ACE logo

Join Women Lead at Henry Ford College, the HFC chapter of Michigan ACE Women's Network, for our Welcome back fall meet and greet luncheon!

The Michigan American Council on Education Women’s Network (MI-ACE) is the professional network for Michigan women in higher education. MI-ACE works in concert with the ACE Office of Inclusive Excellence Group nationally to identify, develop, encourage, advance, link, and support women in higher education.

Attendees will learn more about Women Lead at HFC, projects with chapter and opportunities to become involved with your HFC community. The event is free and open to everyone. RSVP required.

The HFC MI-ACE representatives are Shai James-Boyd and Susan Shunkwiler.

MI-ACE Fall Meet & Greet Luncheon

Thursday, September 26, 2019 11:30 a.m.

Welcome Center, Community Rooms

Please RSVP by September 23 to