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Holly Diamond is co-author of national Student Success Workgroup report

Release Date
Holly Diamond

Holly Diamond, the HFC Executive Director of Enrollment Services/Registrar, has spent the last year working as part of a national Student Success Workgroup on behalf of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO).

Background from last year on the project and Diamond's involvement is here.

The group's 45-page report is available here (PDF file).

For Diamond, the project was part professional development, part contribution to the field, and part labor of love. "My alma mater (UM-Dearborn) is where I got my first taste of helping students, and I really enjoyed it," she said. "I decided that this was how I wanted to spend my career: helping students succeed at the enrollment and admissions levels, so they succeed in their careers and lives.”

The report's executive summary is below. Congratulations, Holly, and thanks for all your great work at HFC and nationally!

Excerpt, executive summary:

Historically, student success was viewed through the lens of retention, attrition, and enrollment data. As the landscape of higher education continues to evolve, AACRAO acknowledges a need to take a deeper look into the practice of measuring, maintaining, and supporting student success throughout higher education. Toward that end, in 2018 the AACRAO Board of Directors commissioned the Student Success Work Group, charged with investigating and crafting best practices and guidelines to support student success.

The work group was furthered charged with the following:

  • Develop recommendations for professional development opportunities to educate members in the area of student
  • success using the framework of the professional core competencies;
  • Identify resources within the AACRAO organization to assist members in tracking trends in student success;
  • Identify resources within the AACRAO organization to assist members in selecting appropriate technologies to support efforts in student success;
  • Identify best practices in promoting and fostering student success;
  • Develop assessment tools to assist member institutions in identification of policies and processes that act as barriers to student success; and
  • Identify public policy associated with student success that needs AACRAO support.

The Student Success Work Group provided definitions of “good, better, and best” behavior as a guide for AACRAO practitioners to use as a guide when examining this topic on their respective campuses. The Functional Practices section of this work product is meant to be a “tear out” to assist with the self-examination process. It is divided into three sections for Admissions, Registrars, and Enrollment Management. Practical examples of how the definitions may be seen in action are provided. Each example is also linked to an AACRAO Proficiency and/or Competency.

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