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Erin Yanke wins MIACADA Outstanding Academic Advisor Award

Erin Yanke holding her award

Erin Yanke, student success navigator for HFC’s School of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development (BEPD), recently won the MIchigan ACademic ADvising Association (MIACADA) Outstanding Academic Advisor Award-Primary Role for 2019.

This award recognizes individuals whose primary role at is the direct delivery of academic advising services to students. Yanke was presented this award at the Region 5 Conference in March.

“I’m honored. It’s very humbling to be recognized as an outstanding academic advisor,” said Yanke, who has worked at HFC in various positions since 2013.


MIACADA is an organization of professionals from colleges and universities who are concerned with the intellectual, personal, and career/vocational advising needs of students in Michigan. It is a forum for discussion, debate, and the exchange of ideas regarding academic advising and related areas of higher education. Based in Lansing, MIACADA is an allied organization of the National Academic Advising Association (NACADA), the global community for academic advising.

“It’s well deserved. Erin does a lot to move the success needle for students on campus. She also does a great job of keeping what’s best for students on the forefront,” said colleague Maya Calloway Richardson, who was recently elected as NACADA’s Region 5 Michigan Liaison.

A Passion for helping others

A Fowlerville native, Yanke earned her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Central Michigan University (CMU) in Mt. Pleasant and her master’s degree in counseling from Oakland University in Rochester Hills, where she also completed her counseling practicum.

“I chose to pursue psychology due to my passion for helping others. My desire to serve college students, specifically, was solidified during my time as an internship supervisor at Children’s Hospital of Michigan. I enjoyed my one-on-one opportunities to educate student interns and watch them grow in their skill set and level of confidence. These experiences led me to return to school for my master’s degree in counseling. I knew I wanted to be in a college setting working alongside students to assist them on their academic journey,” said Yanke.

Joining HFC

From December 2013 to April 2014, Yanke completed her internship in counseling at HFC, where she facilitated counseling sessions and assisted with teaching a college course called “Personal Growth and Development.” Her personal counseling sessions involved students experiencing substance abuse disorder, adjustment disorder, acute stress disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and bipolar disorder.

During her time at HFC, Yanke has served as an academic advisor and College 101 instructor before undertaking her current position in October 2016. Within the Academic Advising Department, she is currently one of four student success navigators. She provides academic advising, assists students with navigating their college experience from beginning to end, reviews and provides feedback on articulation agreements, works closely with transfer specialists at surrounding universities, serves on the Advisory Boards for the School of BEPD, and keeps open the lines of communication with faculty to remain current on program changes.

Providing a Welcoming Atmosphere

A firm believer in being engaged with students outside the office, Yanke has been an active participant in Discover Day, Welcome Back Days, Manufacturing Day, Business Professionals of America, Culinary Tours, and other tours/programs to make students aware of the opportunities available to them.

“Academic advisors provide a welcoming atmosphere and safe space where students feel comfortable and accepted. A place where students can explore, seek guidance, and feel empowered to make informed decisions regarding their future. Advisors walk alongside students on their academic journey, helping to create a realistic, individualized path to be navigated successfully,” said Yanke. “When students are faced with barriers, advisors listen, acknowledge, and help students reassess their long and short-term goals. They celebrate a student’s highs and provide support during a student’s lows. Advisors advocate on behalf of the student, but also encourage students to advocate for themselves while exercising the life skills they have been taught throughout academic advising sessions.”

During the Region 5 Conference, Yanke and Calloway Richardson gave two presentations:
1). “You Cannot Pour From an Empty Cup: Taking Care of Yourself to Take Care of Others”
2). “Silo is a Four Letter Word: Surrender the Me for We”

Both will give the “Empty Cup” presentation at the NACADA Annual Conference Oct. 20-23 in Louisville, KY.