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Dr. Cynthia Glass moves to new role at the State University of New York

Photo of Cynthia Glass


Please join me in congratulating Vice President Cynthia Glass on her acceptance of an offer to begin work at the State University of New York, Fashion Institute of Technology as the Vice President of Human Resource Management and Labor Relations.

Vice President Glass has served HFC and the Dearborn community with distinction for more than 8 years in leadership roles, including VP of Human Resources and Labor Relations, VP of Administration (HR, Campus Safety, Facilities, IT), Interim VP of Academic Affairs, and Chief of Staff/Special Assistant to the President. We are sad to see her leave HFC, but are pleased for her to have found this extraordinary opportunity in New York.

Please join us in congratulating Dr. Glass on her new position on April 3, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. in the HR Suite on the third floor of the Welcome Center. Refreshments will be served.

I regret that I will be not be present at Dr. Glass’ event. I will be with my family out of state, which was pre-planned before this event was announced.

Russ Kavalhuna
Henry Ford College