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Big Desk Calendar items due Friday, Dec. 13

Release Date
Image of March calendar with content in dates

This year, we made improvements. Next year will be better yet.

We are collecting events, activities, and other dates that you would like us to publish on the Big Desk Calendar for your colleagues to see.

These include such items as:

  • Academic dates
  • Athletics dates
  • Public / community events dates
  • Major enrollment-related dates
  • Music, Theater, Dance, and Art Gallery dates
  • Student Affairs and Campus Life dates
  • Human Resources dates
  • Major labor union dates

To get your dates included:

  1. Please send any and all major event dates to if you would like them included on the HFC desk calendar by December 13, 2019. Include all dates from March 2020 through March 2021. (We'll do our best to include all events you send us. It's possible we might have to eliminate some events on specific days, if those days have too many events listed).

  2. Let us know how many of the printed desk calendars your office might want. Your estimate doesn't have to be exact; we're looking for a ballpark. This will help us plan for paper and printing.

Questions? or call 317-6800.