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Ally Training for the HFC community, June 12

Release Date
Event Date
Rosenau Board Rooms (Bldg. L)
circle of hands clasped

SAFE@HFC is bringing back Lilliana Angel Reyes to offer our second annual ally training to those who wish to serve as allies to the LGBTQ+ community.

The training will be held in the Rosenau rooms of the ASCC building from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 12, 2019.

Seats are limited; advance registration is required. Please see below.

We are thrilled to welcome back Lilianna Angel Reyes of the Ruth Ellis Center, who will be conducting this two-level program. Ms. Reyes is a highly acclaimed professional with broad experience in offering real-world, dynamic ally training. This training will bring value for people who are just starting out as allies and to those who have been long-term allies.

The training will take place in two parts; the second builds on the first:

Morning session

The first half of the training will be a refresher session designed for either new participants or those wishing to learn more about how to be an effective ally.

Afternoon session

The afternoon session will focus on ways allies can enhance their efforts to ally and advocate for our LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff. The afternoon session will build on last year’s training and the morning session, and is considered an advanced look into allyship and advocacy.

Thus, even if you attended last year’s training, this year’s session promises for new and important information to be learned.

Registrants, please plan to attend both sessions if at all possible.

The ally training topics will range from:

  • LGBTQ basics;
  • How to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for all LGBTQ+ students, faculty, and staff;
  • The concept of bias and confronting our own personal biases;
  • How to be the best allies for our local LGBTQ+ community;
  • Identifying and sharing helpful resources;
  • Advanced topics for becoming an effective ally.

Please register! Only 50 seats are available for this year's training.

If you are interested in attending, please contact Elizabeth Preston, SAFE@HFC Chair at 313-317-1530 or via e-mail at

Special thanks to:
Vice President Reginald Best and the HFC Foundation, for providing funding so the program may be offered free to all 50 participants;
Katie Fitzner, Lisa Masi, and Beth Preston for their hard work in bringing this event together.