Take the Michigan National Guard Challenge Sept. 6

Take the Michigan National Guard Challenge Thursday, Sept. 6, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., located on the lawn between the Technology Building (Bldg. E) and the Reuther Liberal Arts Building (Bldg. K).
Students will have the opportunity to talk with members of the National Guard about careers in the military and how the National Guard will pay for their college tuition. They can hear first-hand the experiences of fellow HFC students who are also enlisted in the National Guard.
"Students can be a soldier and a civilian at the same time," said Sgt. Brandon Saleh.
Students can also test their mettle on the pull-up bar, as well as compete in push-up contests, sit-up contests, and squats contests. There will be plenty of free swag, including T-shirts, water bottles, and other giveaways. Students can take a selfie next to the LMTV Troop Carrier.
For questions or more information, call Saleh at (734) 560-1974.