SSA "Trunk or Treat" for families and kids Oct. 26

The Support Staff Association (SSA) Trunk or Treat event will take place Friday, Oct. 26, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. The event will be held in Parking Lot 7 in the southwest corner of the main campus behind the MacKenzie Fine Arts Center (Bldg. F). Parking will also be available in Parking Lot 8.
Trunk or Treat is a family-friendly event where volunteers decorate the back of their cars for Halloween, stock up on candy, and come sit in a parking lot for children to safely trick or treat from car to car. Prizes will be awarded for the best costume in the following age groups:
* Ages 0-5 years
* Ages 6-12 years
* Ages 13 years and up
Additionally, there will be games and prizes, cider and donuts, and a prize for best trunk. President Russell Kavalhuna will be in attendance, as well as many of HFC's community partners, including the Dearborn Police Department, the Dearborn Fire Department, and the Dearborn Public Library.
Sponsored by the SSA Social Committee, this event is free and open the public. Please RSVP using this link.