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Russell Kavalhuna is HFC's new president

Release Date
President Kavalhuna meets with a culinary student

Photo: President Kavalhuna meets with a Culinary Arts student during his first week's tour of campus.

Russell Kavalhuna, J.D., A.T.P., officially joined the HFC community as College President on Monday, July 2. His contractual start date was July 1.

"I’m honored to join the team of talented educators and professionals who dedicate their talents to serving students and the community," said Kavalhuna. "Working with our community partners, we will continue to transform lives by providing high-quality education."

Kavalhuna was appointed at a March 28 special meeting of the HFC Board of Trustees. The March announcement of Kavalhuna's appointment is here.

“The Board of Trustees is very pleased to have Russ Kavalhuna join us as President of Henry Ford College,” said Dr. Michael Meade, Chair of the HFC Board of Trustees and Chair of the Presidential Advisory Search Committee. “He is eminently qualified and is the kind of leader we need as the College celebrates its first 80 years and looks forward to success in the coming decades.”

The terms of Kavalhuna's contract include:

  1. A three-year contract period from July 1, 2018 through June 30, 2021;
  2. Annual extensions beginning July 1, 2019, so the contract will always remain a 3-year agreement;
  3. Compensation and benefits including base salary, annual increases, bonus provisions, insurance, retirement and 403b contributions, personal days, a leased vehicle, professional travel, professional discretionary funds, professional memberships, and a cell phone / laptop;
  4. No provision for tenure.

The campus community warmly welcomes President Kavalhuna to campus. His office is on the fourth floor of the ASCC building. His early weeks on campus include a listening tour, a governor-initiated Marshall Plan for Talent workshop, and meetings with students and other campus and community members.

Follow President Kavalhuna's activities through the HFC News website.