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Quiet Reflection Room moves to Eshleman Library

The quiet reflection room

Creating a suitable space for students, faculty, and staff to reflect, meditate, and pray has proven surprisingly challenging at HFC. During the past year, a small room in the main hallway of the Student and Culinary Arts Center served this purpose, but the room was too small, the surrounding space was noisy, and the amount of foot traffic and shoes left outside the door created safety concerns.

During the past summer, the College's Operations Council worked to identify a new space, and a former office on the second floor of the Eshleman Library was converted into the new Quiet Reflection Room. The airy, spacious, window-walled room is located in the northwest corner of the library's second floor.

The Quiet Reflection Room is available to anyone who wishes to reflect quietly. Quiet reflection can be through meditation, prayer, or other individual, non-disruptive reflection. Napping in the room is not permitted (nap pods are available in the library for students wishing to snooze).

The room's rules, as posted on the door:

  • Remember: The room is available to everyone. Please show everyone kindness and respect.
  • This room is a shared space and may not be available when in use by others.
  • Do not post items on the walls.
  • Do not leave rugs or other items on the floor.
  • Sleeping, social time, and social gatherings are not permitted in the room.
  • Cell phone use and the playing of audible music are not permissible. Free earbuds are available from the Circulation Desk.
  • Food is not allowed in the room. Water in a self-contained bottle with a tight-fitting lid is permitted.
  • Do not leave personal items in the room.
  • For the consideration of peers and staff, do not leave items in the hallway.
  • If there are any issues regarding use or occupants, please contact Campus Safety at 313-845-9630.

Keep in mind that the second floor of the Library also hosts numerous individual, private "pod" spaces with comfortable easy chairs that may be used for sleeping, or quiet study and reflection.

Group study rooms are located on the Library's first floor.