Professor-to-be took charge of her own path at HFC

Bashair Pasha standing outdoors, wearing head scarf

At HFC, Bashair Pasha found exactly what she needed to be successful at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (U-M Ann Arbor). Full, self-directed engagement on campus, she said, was the secret ingredient.

Legacy Stories

“HFC taught me so much,” said Pasha. “It taught me how important it is to make time for social engagement, even if that means you’re going to do it through an academic program – like joining the newspaper or the radio station. The bonds I formed with my professors and fellow students at HFC are some of the most important things I gained from my time there. I believe the Honors Program curriculum truly provided me with a glimpse of what it would be like to be in discussion-based classroom settings, which I see a lot of here at U-M.”

Honors, academics, The Mirror News, and campus life

Pasha graduated from HFC in 2016 with her associate degree in telecommunication. During her time at HFC, Pasha was a member of the Henry Ford II Honors Program, where she completed two independent studies. She was also involved in WHFR, HFC’s independent radio station, and The Mirror News, HFC’s student-run newspaper. She worked for The Mirror News for three years, eventually becoming the editor-in-chief.

“While a student at HFC, Bashair was very involved and active in campus life. She displayed exceptional leadership skills and extended herself to become an outstanding student. She received many awards as a student journalist, which speaks to her writing talent and ability. I appreciated Bash’s dedication to student life. She is poised for great success in whatever she does,” said HFC Student Activities Officer Cassandra Fluker.

Susan McGraw, HFC Telecommunication Professor/Faculty Chair, Department of Communication and Media, echoed Fluker’s sentiments.

“Bashair’s combination of maturity and creative energy impressed me the most,” said McGraw. “Her obvious talent and poise, partnered with a genuine interest to learn, provided Bash the foundation to accomplish great things and ultimately to impact our community in a profound way.”

Communications Studies at U-M Ann Arbor leads to future dreams

Currently, Pasha is majoring in communications studies at U-M Ann Arbor with a projected graduation date of late 2019. A long-term goal is to earn a doctorate and become a university professor.

“Honors humanities classes at HFC really helped me learn how to organize my thoughts quickly and to be able to share them concisely,” said Pasha. “Those are invaluable skills that served me well when I transferred to U-M.”

Pasha says she was well-prepared academically and socially to make the jump from HFC to U-M Ann Arbor. She is grateful for the solid educational foundation she received from HFC.

“I had a lot of support in advice and letters of recommendation from HFC’s amazing faculty,” said Pasha. “If you take the time to get to know the head of your program and your professor, it will really help. Faculty love to get to know their students at HFC. If you have a question or concern, stop by their office. If you want to talk more about something mentioned in class or in their field, make the time to talk to them about it. You’ll find a faculty member who will show you what it means to be a truly great teacher, and you’ll gain a lot academically and personally.”

Carpe Diem (seize the day)

She recognized the value of seizing the opportunities around her at HFC, and now advises other students to do the same.

“It’s a really great school,” said Pasha. “There’s a lot there to take advantage of, whether it’s jobs or classes or building academic and personal relationships. You just have to know where to look. Take the time to explore HFC’s website, see what activities or opportunities interest you, and pursue them.”