Release Date

President Kavalhuna's Listening Tour informs the future

In consultation with the Board of Trustees and Cabinet, President Kavalhuna is conducting a listening tour as a way to kick off his presidency.

President Kavalhuna asked each HFC vice president to organize meetings for him with members of the College community, internal and external.

The goals of the listening tour are to learn:
1) What is working well at our College,
2) What could be improved, and
3) What campus and community leaders can do to help students and staff be successful during their time at Henry Ford College.

The listening tour ranges to broad groups both within and beyond the College campuses. Sessions and plans for the tour include:

  • Community groups and business leaders
  • the Presidential Advisory Search Committee
  • the Executive Cabinet
  • Executive Directors
  • Labor leaders and HFC labor unions
  • the Employee Recognition and Engagement Committee
  • Coordinating Council
  • Operating Council
  • Faculty Senate
  • Staff Council
  • Student Council
  • Deans
  • Counselors
  • Academic committees
  • Library and Learning Lab
  • Campus Safety
  • HR
  • Foundation Board
  • Student Affairs, Admissions, Advisors, Navigators, Student Activities
  • Employers including Beaumont / Oakwood, Ford, Henry Ford Health System, KLA, Secure-24
  • Political leaders
  • College presidents including EMU, Madonna, Schoolcraft, Siena Heights, UDM, Michigan, WCCCD, Wayne State
  • Press / media

The meetings have been arranged by the President's Executive Assistant, Kathy Dimitriou.

Some photos from the listening sessions are on this page.

Group of people at skirted tables

Listening Tour session at Park Place.

Groups of people at round tables

Listening Tour session with Presidential Advisory Search Committee

People sitting and standing near a table

Listening tour session participants Terri Hagen, Kathy Dimitriou, Becky Chadwick.

People around a table, wearing HFC polo shirts

Members of the HFC Campus Safety team talk to President Kavalhuna about their perspectives on the College.