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President Kavalhuna signs on to Governor's resolution supporting civility

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Kavalhuna headshot

President Russell Kavalhuna, along with dozens of other state and civic leaders, has signed a resolution by Michigan Governor Rick Snyder to commit to civility in public discourse.

The resolution reads:

"We, the undersigned, representing a diverse group of citizens dedicated to the principles that made this country great, do hereby commit to standing up for civility in public debate and discussions of policy.
"The United States is a great nation because we can find ways to work together, create solutions and solve problems. Our great country is increasingly at risk of losing its way as we see debate and discussion turn into personal attacks and vicious threats. Discouraging people from public engagement while leaving issues unaddressed is not the America we know it to truly be.
"We stand committed and we stand together to focus discussions and debates on the issues at hand. We are not saying we will always agree on the solutions to problems, or even on what the most important problems are. We stand ready to speak up for what we believe in and advocate for the best solutions we can support. But — most important — we stand together for civility and we encourage others to join us.
"Michigan can show the world how we can disagree without being disagreeable, how we can debate without personal attacks, and how we can solve more problems together than we can apart."

The complete list of signers and further details are on the Detroit Free Press website.