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New Student Portal centralizes student resources

screenshot of student portal highlighting the student profile and student schedule sections

On Monday, March 5, HFC introduced its first true student portal: a one-stop online resource center where students' core information, services, and links are brought together in an easy-to-use, secure interface.

Read on to learn more, or login to the new portal at

(Login works for current HFC students only.)

The portal has been in development for a number of months, during which it was tested by students, faculty, and staff so we could be sure the interface delivers exactly what is intended: enough of everything, but not too much of anything, in a personalized context. The goal is to provide access to HFC's core student resources, plus a personalized dashboard that highlights key information and provides alerts and notifications exactly when students need them.

The portal is designed to be intuitive, even to first-time students who have never seen a portal. No training is required. When they login, students will see their identifying information, as well as their schedule, program, and more.

Day-to-day tasks are now at students' fingertips.

Perhaps best of all, the portal will include personalized messages and alerts, notifying students when they need to complete important tasks, like registering for classes, signing up for financial aid, and so on.

NOTE: When you formerly logged in to WebAdvisor, you will now use Self Service. The link is located in the top navigation of the Student Portal.

Student portal login:

New features coming soon

  1. Checklist of your important tasks
  2. Progress toward your degree: when can you graduate?
  3. Moodle assignments displayed in block

Where is the old stuff?

All the core student resources are linked within the new portal. All the other, more general, links that were formerly on the public website remain readily accessible on the public HFC website, The easiest way to find all public information is to follow the links on the main website, or use the search bar.

Many sections of the HFC website are undergoing a substantial redevelopment process. If you have comments or suggestions about improving the website's usability, feel free to send comments to