New Public Speaking Lab helps students with presentations and life skills
Photo, L-R: Vice President Michael Nealon, faculty member Stanley Moore, President Russell Kavalhuna, faculty member Doris Toney, Vice President Daniel Herbst, faculty member Vinita Parekh, Board Chair Michael Meade, and Dean Jennifer Ernst participated in the new Public Speaking Lab ribbon cutting on Aug. 29.
HFC President Russell Kavalhuna and HFC speech instructor Doris Toney had the honor of cutting the ribbon Aug. 29 at the official opening of HFC’s Public Speaking Lab in F-154 of the MacKenzie Fine Arts Center (Bldg. F on the main campus).
This lab is a result of the HFC Technology Investment Committee's award of a $64,000 grant for the public speaking lab and lecture capture equipment in dedicated speech classrooms in Building F. It is not only open to students in public speaking classes, but to all students across all disciplines.
Full-time speech instructors will provide one-on-one consultation services to students Monday through Thursday in a warm, inviting space. Faculty members will assist students with:
• topic selection
• speech outlines
• confidence building
• rehearsal
• speech recording
• video playback
• development of overall public speaking skills that are necessary at the college level and beyond
During the ribbon-cutting, Dr. Michael Nealon, HFC Vice President of Academic Affairs, and Dr. Jennifer Ernst, Dean of the HFC School of Liberal Arts, spoke about the lab in addition to Kavalhuna and Toney. Kavalhuna joked that maybe the speech instructors can critique his speaking skills after he makes his next presentation.
Also present were Dr. Michael Meade, Chair of the HFC Board of Trustees; Dr. Daniel Herbst, HFC Vice President of Student Affairs; and public speaking instructors Stanley Moore and Vinita Parekh, as well as several other HFC professors and administrators. Afterwards, Nealon and Parekh cut the cake as part of the open house festivities.
“Public speaking is important in the classroom, on the job, and in the community,” said Toney. “If students cannot convey their message in a succinct, effective manner, they will not be able to connect with the audience. The lab gives speech faculty the opportunity to help students build their confidence and position them to be effective communicators in all aspects of life.”
“What this lab can do for students is very exciting,” she added.
For questions or more information, contact Toney at 313-845-9837 or