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Movie Mondays during October

Event Date
Vogt Room (B-102 ) in the Eshleman Library (Building B)
Movie Night, you're invited - large letters

October is LGBT History Month at HFC. To celebrate, HFC is sponsoring Movie Mondays the entire month of October, which will be shown at 5:00 p.m. in the Vogt Room (B-102) in the Eshleman Library (Building B).

The following movies will be shown on the following dates:
* Monday, Oct. 8: After Stonewall
* Monday, Oct. 15: History Lessons
* Monday, Oct. 22: The Times of Harvey Milk
* Monday, Oct. 29: Last Call at Maud's

Admission is free. Popcorn will be served. Students can bring their own refreshments as well.

For questions or more information, contact Beth Preston at 313-317-1530 or