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Michigan Student Political Issues Convention Oct. 19

Event Date
Andrew A. Mazzara Administrative Services & Conference Center (ASCC) (Building L)
Student Political Issues Convention text on board next to American flag

The 15th Annual Michigan Student Political Issues Convention will be held Friday, Oct. 19, on the first floor of the Andrew A. Mazzara Administrative Services & Conference Center (ASCC) (Building L).

Registration begins at 8:15 am in the ASCC lobby in front of the Forfa Auditorium. (Building L). The convention will open with a General Session in Forfa at 9:15 a.m.

Students will break into workshops to discuss issues and will then vote in caucus to determine their top concerns. A student-run engagement panel will discuss with students how to be get involved, and the final session will include elected officials who will respond to the students' agenda.

A highly engaged group of students from HFC, Oakland Community College, Michigan State University, Wayne State University, the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor and Dearborn campuses) will present on a range of issues in two sessions covering 31 workshops, according to Dr. Anthony Perry, HFC political science professor and convention coordinator.

"I ask you to encourage students to participate. We will be having students register at the door and we will forward registration to the faculty they list on their registration form. Any student who registered will be assigned a voting caucus room --and they can vote for the issue(s) they think requires the most attention," said Perry.

This convention is sponsored by HFC, the League of Women Voters, and the Michigan Democracy Institute Consortium. For questions and further information, contact Perry at 313-845-6383 or