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MAT2 Interview Day June 13

Release Date
Event Date
Community Rooms (Bldg. WC)

The final MAT2 Interview Days at HFC is Wednesday, June 13, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Interview candidates need to arrive at 9:45 a.m.

The following companies will be interviewing:
* Brose North America, Inc.
* Durr Systems, Inc.
* New Center Stamping
* Williams International
* ZF

The agenda is as follows:
* 9:45 a.m.: Candidates arrive and sign in.
* 10:00 a.m.: Sophie Stepke, chair of the MAT2 Strategic Steering Committee, will give the opening remarks.
* 10:05 a.m.: Each representative of the companies that are interviewing will give a brief introduction and share information about their respective companies.
* 10:25 a.m.: Candidates sign up for interviews.
* 10:30 a.m.: Interviews begin. Candidates must stay until their interviews are completed.

To RSVP, contact Ledgra Johnson of HFC Workforce and Professional Development at 313-317-6616 or For questions or more information, contact Visit