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HFC's Don Anson wins RenCen photo contest, beating 390 competitors

Photo: Don Anson's three children visit the display of their dad's work in RenCen Tower 100.

Don Anson could hardly describe his surprise when he saw the photograph he took of the Renaissance Center standing before him – enlarged to 15 feet wide.

“I couldn’t believe it. I was totally surprised by how big it was. Fifteen feet is huge!” said Anson, a lifelong Redford resident, who’s been a skilled facilities associate at HFC since 1986.

He’s also a highly skilled amateur photographer. It's a craft he's been honing for 27 years.

Anson’s interest in photography began when he was in the fifth grade. He began a more serious pursuit of the craft in 1991 when the first of his three kids was born. He has taken photos in nearly every genre. He’s taken senior pictures of high school students, nature shots, and cityscapes.

“Cityscapes sell for some reason,” said Anson. Case in point: His photograph of the Spirit of Detroit has been displayed in the Garden City Hospital since 2013. It was the first cityscape photo he sold out of 25 entries.

“Detroit is so close to Dearborn,” said Anson, who’s been using a digital Sony A350 camera since 2006. “There’s so much to see, and there’s a lot to take pictures of.”

Late last year, Anson submitted a photo of the RenCen for a contest in which the top 10 photos are displayed on the first floor of Tower 100 of the world-renowned complex that serves as the global headquarters of General Motors. More than 400 photos were submitted. RenCen staff chose 100. Of those 100, only 10 were chosen by the general public. Anson’s photo was one of those 10. He was rewarded a $150 gift card to Joe Muer Seafood – in the RenCen.

“I was surprised – surprised and honored,” said Anson. “It’s nice to be recognized for my work.”

Don Anson regularly features and sells his work during HFC Market Day, which is November 7 this year, in the ASCC Atrium. Stop by HFC Market Day to see more of his work, or contact him at (313) 845-6326,

Don's online portfolio is also gorgeous, and worth a look!