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FREE 10-Minute Chair Massages Oct. 16

Event Date
Student and Culinary Arts Center (Bldg. M), Room M-119
Photo of massage therapist massaging a person in a massage chair

Free 10-minute chair massages will be offered to HFC employees and students Tuesday, Oct. 16, from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Room M-119 of the Student & Culinary Arts Center (Bldg. M).

The benefits of massage therapy include:
* Reducing stress, anxiety, and muscle soreness
* Reducing tension headaches
* Restoring mental clarity and alertness
* Boosting morale

There will be no oils used, and no clothing will be removed. Walk-ins only; no reservations.

For questions or more information, contact the Office of Student Activities at (313) 845-9865.