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Conserve energy during hot summer days

DTE and HFC logos over sunny image

Due to the demands caused by the hot, humid weather this time of year, our electrical provider, DTE Energy, has asked that the College do all it can to reduce energy consumption, especially during peak daytime hours.

How can you help?

Turn off any non-essential electrical equipment, including:

  • Printers
  • Computer peripherals
  • Coffee pots
  • Chargers
  • Unused power strips
  • Unused computers
  • White noise makers
  • Hallway lights, if there is sufficient ambient light
  • Office lights, if there is sufficient ambient light or you have a small lamp
  • Lights in any office or room that is unoccupied
  • Lights in the restroom, after you leave (and it's otherwise unoccupied!)
  • Set your computer to sleep mode and turn out the lights when you leave your office for meetings or breaks
  • Turn off your computer and monitor(s) when you leave for the day

Every bit helps. Small energy reductions by individuals can lead to big savings across the campus.
Thank you!