Notice: This article is more than one year old and is part of the Henry Ford College news archive. Information in the article may be outdated. For the most current news and information about Henry Ford College, please visit, or contact ranks HFC the No. 2 community college in Michigan

Release Date logo has named Henry Ford College the No. 2 community college in the state of Michigan for 2018 in their recent rankings. HFC was one of 25 community colleges listed with a ranking score of 74.61.

The profile notes that: "HFC offers more than 100 programs that prepare students for careers directly out of school or for transfer to a 4-year college or university to continue their work on a bachelor’s degree. In addition to its numerous association degrees and certification programs, HFC offers its first bachelor’s degree in Culinary Arts. HFC’s programs are offered in a variety of academic areas, including business and IT, health sciences, the arts, fitness, and several others.

"HFC offers multiple pathway programs for highly motivated high school students, including Dual Enrollment and Advancement Plus, which offers students with above-average academic status the opportunity to take more challenging college-level courses for credit. The College’s Inside Track Mentoring program, designed for first-time students, is a set of comprehensive services that includes financial workshops and counseling, along with guidance and support from older students.

"HFC’s tuition rates for Fiscal Year 2019 are as follows:
• $99/credit hour in-district
• $172/credit hour out-of-district
• $250/credit hour out-of-state/international students

"For the 2016-17 academic year, HFC awarded 1,319 associate degrees. The number of students enrolled is approximately 18,590."

“In a span of three years, HFC has moved up in the rankings from No. 20 to No. 9 and now to its present position of No. 2. We at the college are very proud of this accomplishment,” said HFC Interim President John Satkowski. “To see the College come so far in such a short period of time is a point of pride. That progress can only be attributed to the tireless dedication and efforts of the College’s faculty, staff, and administration that work so hard to make HFC a FutureDriven educational institution for our students.”


A summary of the methodology for rankings, from The methodology behind our rankings is grounded in statistical data and a few consistently applied guiding principles, including academic quality, affordability, and online competency. Our 2018 rankings reflect the most recent data available from the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) and College Navigator, both of which are hosted by the National Center for Education Statistics. Our goal is to objectively assess relative quality based on academic outcomes, affordability, and the breadth and depth of online learning opportunities.

All eligible institutions are ranked on a 100 point scale. A perfect score of 100 is earned by ranking #1 for all ranking factors.

Click through for a full review of our Rankings Methodology. Schools featured in our rankings demonstrate a commitment to high-quality education for their students. Quality is measured and weighted through various data points that are specific to each ranking topic. Each methodology drives proprietary calculations, which are grounded in statistical information, and developed to recognize academically robust, affordable colleges and programs.

Sponsored school listings are separate, paid advertisements and are clearly marked with a "SPONSORED" tag to distinguish them from editorially ranked schools. Our school rankings are editorially determined, independently vetted, and are not influenced by schools that pay for advertisements.

Complete methodology may be found here.


Michigan College Rankings (community colleges start halfway down the page)
