HFC campuses are now entirely smoke-free
Henry Ford College (HFC) has joined hundreds of campuses nationwide in prohibiting smoking. The policy applies to both the main campus and the east campus. The former designated smoking areas have been eliminated, which means the only smoking allowed on campus is in private vehicles.
As a leader in our community, HFC supports and is committed to wellness and a healthy environment. As part of this commitment, the Board of Trustees decided at its August meeting to amend the former policy and instead adopt the national movement toward a smoke-free campus. The new policy states that no person shall smoke, chew, or otherwise use tobacco, tobacco products, tobacco-derived, or smoking simulation products or devices on, in, or upon property owned or leased by the College.
HFC has been considered a smoke-free campus since 2012, although people were allowed to smoke at designated locations across the two campuses, as well as in their private vehicles. The new policy supersedes the previous policy regarding smoking, eliminating the formerly designated locations for smoking.
HFC is committed to offering smokers helpful smoking cessation and wellness resources. Support groups, clinics, and smoking cessation programs are available through:
- The American Cancer Society (www.cancer.org),
- The American Lung Association (www.lung.org),
- The Michigan Health & Wellness (www.michigan.gov/healthymichigan),
- The Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (www.michigan.gov/mdhhs), and
- The Michigan Tobacco Quit-line (800-QUIT-NOW).