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Student Nurse Association Wins Awards at Convention

Release Date
Certificate of Achievement for the Student Nurses Association Chapter of the Year Scholarship
HFCC's Student Nurse Association (SNA) won three awards in early February at the Michigan Nursing Students Association (MNSA) convention in Troy, Mich. HFCC’s Student Association won the Fundraising Award and earned recognition for outstanding fundraising activities. The second award was the Community Health Scholarship. HFCC SNA received $100 for its efforts in increasing public awareness about mental health, which was the area of health care identified by the National Students Nurse Association (NSNA) for this year. One of HFCC SNA’s initiatives to increase public awareness about mental health was hosting a movie night, where the public was invited to watch 2012’s award-winning Silver Linings Playbook, which was about a man (Bradley Cooper) suffering from bipolar disorder. HFCC SNA donated the proceeds of this movie night event to a local mental health agency. The third award was the Chapter of the Year Scholarship, for which HFCC’s SNA received $300. At the NSNA National Convention in April, HFCC SNA will present and defend a resolution nursing students have submitted, where they ask state and federal lawmakers to consider limiting mandatory and voluntary overtime for nurses from the perspectives of patient safety and nurse dissatisfaction/burnout. “We’re a very large active group, one of the largest in the state of Michigan,” said Peggy A. Kearney, MSN, RN, HFCC Nursing Faculty and HFCC SNA advisor. “Community service is at the forefront of what the SNA does. They’re very active in our community to raise awareness about illness. I’m very proud of them for accomplishing these achievements.” To learn more about HFCC’s Nursing Program, please visit or call 313.845.6305.