HFCC to present Pulitzer Prize-winning drama “Ruined” April 11-21

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HFCC's Fine Arts and Fitness Division presents “Ruined,” which runs Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. from April 11-21 in the Adray Auditorium of the MacKenzie Fine Arts Building. Directed by award-winning professional Director Christopher Bremer, “Ruined” is based on Lynn Nottage’s 2009 Pulitzer Prize-winning drama. This humanitarian piece illustrates the multiple tragedies of the civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The play examines the political, economic and cultural forces at work in a small mining town through the life of Mama Nadi, a shrewd businesswoman who takes in raped and rejected women, selling them to both government soldiers and rebels in the bar where many take refuge. “Ruined” is especially relevant to students in political science, philosophy, psychology and sociology courses. This haunting work is a must-see about the resilience of the human spirit during times of war. Only 65 seats are available per performance for this intimate staging. Tickets are $15 general admission, $12 for faculty, staff, seniors and students. For further information or to make reservations, please contact Gerry Dzuiblinski at 313.845.9817 or via email at gadzuiblinski@hfcc.edu. American College Theatre Festival Irene Ryan Nominations Certificate of Merit-Scenic Design: Gerry Dzuiblinski Certificate of Merit-Slide Show: Smantha York, Tim Pollock CAST London Johnson: Christian Candice Latham: Mama Nadi Jamie Pappas: Priest Brittany Lowery: Sophie India Krishana Jackson: Salima Cecelia Thomas: Josephine K. Marcellus Hogan: Jerome Kisembe Jason Burke: Mr. Harari Richard Summersett Jr.: Osembenga Timothy Pollack: Bodyguard/Aid Worker Rico Norris: Fortune Drake Highgate: Simon Maurice Whisett: Laurent Alexis Simmons, Jessika Robbins, Keena Harris, Starsha Varner: Bar Girls Christopher Holland, Vicangelo Offutt, Joshua Neilson, A.J. Stone: Soldiers/Miners/Rebels Dominic Lomuscio, Billy Thomas: Musicians Michael Addo: Voice-Over Announcer PRODUCTION CREW Christopher Bremer: Director Gerard Dzublinski: Technical Director Scott Ross: Lighting Designer Judith Fletcher: Costume Designer Anthony Lai: Sound Effects/Recording and Development Alan Contino: Sound Engineer Gerard Dzublinski, Dan Frederick: Rain System Design Donald Cooker, Julie Pudulek, Samantha York: Rain System Desingers Allen Batkiewski, Gerard Dzublinski: Lead Painters Timothy Pollack: Assistant Director/Asst. Tech. Director/Armor Andrea Wells-Preister: Stage Manager Jamie Pappas: Deck Captain/Props Samantha York: Dramaturg/Program/Projections/Lobby Display Angie Lai: Dramaturgical Assistance Gerard Dzublinski, Timothy Pollack: Properties Designers Matt Nayes: Properties Master Billy Thomas, Celica Thomas, Joshua Neilson: Properties Crew Renee Hartert: Props/Lights/Set Billy Thomas, Gerard Dzublinski, Michael Cochran, Jamie Pappas and The Company: Publicity Octavia Griffin: Sound Board Operator Renee Hartart: Light Board Operator/Assistant Master Electrician