HFC Presents: Student Directed One Acts - 2013

Event Date

Every spring for the past decade and a half, the HFC Theatre Department has held a One-Act Festival. Traditionally, One-Act Festivals are used to showcase short works, 10-70 minutes in length, that explore unusual themes, content or styles. Sometimes they are simply shorter works by new or established authors. Comedies, dramas, tragedies and experimental works, are used to hone the skills of directors, designers, technicians and actors. All Seats 7.00 For further information or to make reservations, please contact Gerry Dzuiblinski at 313.845.9817 or via email at gadzuiblinski@hfcc.edu.

Henry Ford College Theatre Presents
The 2013 One Act Play Festival
Four Short Shows, June 20-23, 2013

Saturday Night
By Julius Epstein
Produced by arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.
Directed by Sanya Gales

Corey: Aren Voytal
Alex: Starsha Varner, Tenisha Simmons (Alternating)

Production Staff
Stage Manager: Sanya Gales
Properties Manager: Starsha Varner

Run Crew:
Scenery: Company
Props: Starsha Varner
Light Board Operator: Lydia Brown
Sound Board Operator: Julie Pudelek
Wardrobe: Tenisha Simmons

Courage, Mr. Greene
By James P. Ferguson
Produced by arrangement with Samuel French, Inc.
Time: 1937
Scene: The Greene’s Living Room, Canada.

Percy Greene: Matt Mayes
Jane Greene: Renee Hartert
Robert Ramsay: Andrew St. John
Minni: Tenisha Simmons
Smith: Timothy Johnson
Production Staff:
Stage Manager: Brittany Lowery
Props Master: Matt Mayes

Run Crew:
Scenery: Company
Props: Matt Mayes
Light Board Operator: Lydia Brown
Sound Board Operator: Julie Pudelek
Wardrobe: Renee Hartert

I Bring You Flowers
By William Lang
Produced by Arrangement with Baker’s Plays.
Directed Natalie Pres

Jim: Andrew St. John
Faye: Samantha Kenbeek
Nurse: Tenisha Simmons
Production Staff:
Stage Manager: Natalie Pres
Costume Manager: Samantha Kenbeek

Run Crew:
Scenery: Company
Props: Andrew St John
Light Board Operator: Lydia Brown
Sound Board Operator: Julie Pudelek
Wardrobe: Samantha Kenbeek

By Wade Bradford
Produced by arrangement with Huer Publishing Company.
Directed by Jamie Pappas

Narrator: Angie Lai
Protagonist: Adam Kamrad
Woman #1: Samantha Kenbeek
Woman #2: ZainaBerri
Antagonist #1: Jason Bohler
Antagonist #2: Aaron Voytal
Production Staff:
Stage Manager: Zaina Berri

Run Crew:
Scenery: Company
Props: Jason Bohler
Light Board Operator: Lydia Brown
Sound Board Operator: Julie Pudelek
Wardrobe: Samantha Kenbeek

A New Weekend
A new play about recovery
Written and Directed by Gerry Dzublinski

Ray Concord, therapist: Timothy Johnson
Mrs. Woodson: Renee Hartert
Montro, retired Clinical Director: London Johnson
Yancy Nesbitt, a high school student: Aren Voytal
Mr. Tom Nesbitt, his father: Matt Hayes
Mrs. Sarah Nesbitt, his mother: Tenisha Simmons
Bill Lynch, a second level client: Jason Bohler
Chris Tohler, a fifth level client: Andrew St. John
Tim Scott, a fourth level client: Adam Kamrad
Rick Chase, a peer staff member: Jamie Pappas
Cheryl Branch, a fourth level client: Brittany Lowery
Julie Sumner, a fourth level client: Samantha Kenbeek
Mrs. Cusher, an oldcomer parent: Sanya Gayles
Cloe Washburen, fourth level client: Zaina Berri
Simone Cloat, a first level client: Starsha Varner
Janie Purnell, a fourth level client: Natalie Perez
Mrs. Gloria Turk, a visitor and then newcomer parent: Angie Lai
Principal Ornton: Gerry Dzublinski
Mr. Cloat: Mike Ross
Parent Group Member: Gerry Dzublinski

Production Staff:
Stage Manager: Jamie Pappas
Co-Dramaturgs: Jamie Pappas, Angie Lai, Billy Thomas
Run Crew:
Scenery: Company
Props: London Johnson
Light Board Operator: Lydia Brown
Sound Board Operator: Julie Pudelek
Wardrobe: Natalie Pares

Festival Production Staff

Artistic Director: Gerry Dzublinski
Technical Director, Scenic Properties and Costume Design Supervisor: Gerry Dzublinski
Design Supervisor: Gerry Dzublinski
Lighting Design: Scott Ross
Shop Foreman: Christopher Bremer
Lead Carpenter and Painter: Alan Batkiewisz
Honors Directed Study Student Costume Design Supervisor: Judy Fletcher
Student Technical Director and Scenic Designer: Angie Lai
Student Costume Designer: Renee Hartert
Scene Shop Technician, Coop Program Placement: Anas Pasha
Publicity, House Management and Program Designer: Coop placement: Billy Thomas
Scenery Props: Mike Ross, Lydia Brown, Angie Lai, Anas Pacha, Jamie Pappas, Adam Kanrad, the company.