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HFCC Innovations of the Year Award 2011 recognizes faculty, staff efforts

Created by the National League for Innovation in the Community College, the HFCC 2011 Innovation of the Year Award recognized some extraordinary projects and initiatives established in 2011 by HFCC faculty and staff. Through this program, college faculty and staff receive important recognition of initiatives represent new innovations at HFCC.

President Gail Mee introduced The Innovation of the Year Program five years ago as a unique way of encouraging dynamic and innovative thinking among all College members. Dr. Mee asked that the program and its process be inclusive and meaningful.

Each year, a representative committee within the college solicits applications, reviews nominations, selects the winner and coordinates a recognition ceremony and other acknowledgement activities. This year’s committee included:

  • Co-Chair Janice Caie-Lawrence, director of the Center for Teaching Excellence and Innovation;
  • Co-Chair Dr. Lisa Jones-Harris, vice president for Student Affairs;
  • Robin Adams, Business faculty adjunct and AFO representative;
  • Sam Bazzi, Math faculty and 1650 representative;
  • Kevin Dewey, Fine Arts and Fitness faculty and senate representative;
  • Sam Greco, Buildings and Grounds and DSOEA representative;
  • Janet Hazamy, secretary III, Assessment Center and DFSE representative; 
  • Elizabeth Preston, Financial Aid specialist and Local 71 representative; and
  • Marlene Wojtowicz, M-TEC assistant and representative of Staff Council.

In November 2010, members of the College community received invitations to submit nominations for Innovation of the Year consideration. Those submitting nominations completed a written application and invitations to deliver a presentation to the committee that described the program and identified innovative and valuable features. Innovations could be classified as the following:

  • teaching and learning; 
  • student services and activities; 
  • resource development; 
  • workforce preparation and development; 
  • leadership and organization; 
  • basic skills and developmental education; 
  • research, assessment and accountability; and
  • other.

The Committee selected winning innovations based on concepts that involve diverse perspectives, are brand new in concept, meet most of the league's criteria, have far-reaching implications for the institution, can be 'branded' by the institution and are mission driven. Criteria for selection included the following:

  • Quality--Students and/or staff agree that the innovation increases quality in the course, program, office, or institution. Evidence of quality may include student ratings or letters of support from colleagues.
  • Efficiency--There is evidence that the innovation contributes to a more efficient way of doing things. Student ratings, perceptions of outside consultants, and pre- and post-comparison of time involved are examples of evidence.
  • Cost Effectiveness--There is evidence that the innovation adds a value to the institution while at the same time containing or reducing costs. Cost data will serve as evidence.
  • Replication--The innovation selected is replicable in other institutions with a minimum of difficulty.
  • Creativity--The innovation should be as original as possible or the adaptation should be creative.  The description of the program or letters from experts are examples of evidence.
  • Timeliness--The innovation should not be more than five-years-old in the institution, but it must have been around long enough to have been tested so that it meets most of the criteria.

2011 Nominees
Creative Community Magazine-Michigan Ave
Ruth Ann Schmitt, Rick Bailey, Kevin Donohue, Adam Hazlett, Peter Kim, Peter Putnam, Steve Glazer, Mariana Moreira, Brianna Klutz, Patty Sekulidis and Christine Briggs.

PRISM- HFCC College Store/Datatel FA Interface
Heather Myer, Jerry Kondraciuk, Manoj Singh, Pam Hall, Brad Miller, Jane Peltz and Al Burrell.

Inside Track-Peer Mentor Program
Bia Hamed, Beth Preston, Diane Green, Diva Williams and Ammie Helling.

Collaborative Learning Environment
Corinne Asher, Jared Boyd, Paul Fisher and Michael Garms.

HFCC Ice Carving Club
Richard Teeple.

Student Political Issues Convention
Henry Bowers, Anthony Perry, Eric Rader and Cynthia Stiller.

Quick Response Bar Code
Nikole Ford and Doug Freed.

The College held a recognition ceremony in April at Fifty-One O One. HFCC community members attended to celebrate the achievements of their colleagues. The winner of the 2011 Innovations Award was the Student Political Issues Conference. The second runner-up was the Collaborative Learning Environment; and the first runner-up was PRISM-HFCC College Store/Datatel Financial Aid Interface. All nominees received certificates. First, second, and third place innovators received awards and the winner received a separate certificate from the National League. Winning innovations are inscribed in a multi-year plaque that hangs in the Roseneau Conference Rooms located in the Andrew A. Mazzara Administrative Services and Conference Center. Photos of winning innovators, along with a description of the program, are featured on the League website for one year.

For more information about the HFCC Innovations Award, please contact Janice Caie-Lawrence at 313.317.4019 or via email at