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HFCC Honors Program student selected to 2011 All-USA Community College Academic Team

Release Date

HFCC Honors Program Student Batool Ali Saad of Dearborn is one of only 20 community college students across the United States and the only Michigan student to earn selection to the 2011 All-USA Community College Academic Team.

More than 1,600 students from 800 community colleges received nominations for this prestigious recognition. USA Today, Phi Theta Kappa and the American Association of Community Colleges, present this honor each year.

Dr. Gail Mee, president of HFCC, is very pleased that Saad received this recognition. 'Our students work very hard and take their education seriously,' she explained. 'We are all very proud of Batool’s outstanding achievements. Our faculty and staff remain committed to ensuring that all HFCC students achieve academic and career success,' she added.

Dr. Nabeel Abraham, director of the HFCC Honors Program, said that Saad’s academic success will certainly translate into career success upon her graduation from college in the next few years.

'I can’t say enough good things about Batool,' he said. 'She created our student chapter of Amnesty International, serves as an important student leader and puts so much effort into her academic career. She is a determined, focused young women who cares greatly about people and works hard inside and outside the classroom,' he added.

This award comes shortly after the All-Michigan Academic Team Awards Program and Luncheon that took place March 24 in Lansing. Saad was one of two HFCC nominees for the All-USA Team awards. The other was Neam Alazawi. Both Saad and Alazawi were recognized along with other state of Michigan nominees at the March 24 event in Lansing.

Alazawi, who is a Biology major, holds a 4.0 grade point average and has served as a peer mentor at HFCC since August 2010. Her family moved to the U.S. from Iraq two years ago. In addition to volunteering at HFCC, she is a refugee assistant for the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services (ACCESS), a member of the Arab American Women's Business Council and a volunteer for the Boys and Girls Club of Southeastern Michigan.

Saad holds a 4.0 grade point average and is also a peer mentor for the College. She served as captain for her Relay for Life Team in 2010, volunteered for the Make A Difference Day 2010 and at the civic gala for the Lebanese International Business Council in 2010. She is founder and president of the HFCC Amnesty International Campus Group, as well as a columnist for the HFCC student newspaper Mirror News.

Phi Theta Kappa, the honor society for community colleges, administers The ALL-USA Community College Academic Team awards. In 1994, Phi Theta Kappa and the community college presidents of Mississippi and Missouri launched the first All-State Community College Academic teams, which eventually lead to the adoption of this program in 37 states.
Colleges nominate two students per institution for this award. Winners receive $2,000 each and recognition in a full-page article published in the April 11, 2011 edition of USA Today. Follett Higher Education Group also presents $15,000 in textbook scholarships to the colleges of student winners.

For more information about the Henry Ford Community College Honors Program, please visit  You may also contact Dr. Nabeel Abraham at 313-845-6460, or via email at