HFC Presents: The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe
Event Date
Production Information
2000 Page Award Winners
Outstanding Achievement By A Technical Director: Gerry Dzublinski
Outstanding Achievement In a Drama Or Comedy: Gerry Dzublinski
Outstanding Achievement In Makeup Design: Morgan Manasa, Gerry Dzublinski
Directed by: Gerry Dzublinski
Cast and Crew
- Julia Anderson: Housekeeper and Witch’s Troll
- Nicki Anderosn: Wild Boar
- Courtney Brillowsky: Ghoul
- Deidre Ortiz-Brittan: Fenris Ulf and Orangatang
- Julia Calcut: Unicorn
- Shawna Farley: Mr. Beaver
- Kate Garfield: Elf and Squirrel
- Amy Gray: Tumnus
- Jamie Jacobs: Walking Dead
- Nicole Laginess: Centaur
- Becky Mackas: Groundhog
- Morgan Manasa: Ms. Beaver
- Andrew McIntyre: Edmund
- Casey McIntyre: Skunk
- Lynn McIntyre: Racoon
- Sean McIntyre: Baby Deer
- Jere Ortiz: White Witch
- Michael Overbay: Asian
- Gregory Prusiewicz: Fox
- Allison Reyes: Marmot
- Joanne Robertson: Father Christmas and Badger
- Sarah Siwik: Lucy
- Billy Spicher: Peter
- Corey Stempien: Susan
- Christina Tamashunas: Dwarf