HFC Presents: The Tavern

Release Date
Event Date

Production Information

1996 Page Award Winners
Outstanding Achievement By A Supporting Actress: Carrie Welch

City of Dearborn
Theatre Hall Of Fame-George Popovich

Written by: George M. Cohan
Directed by: Thomas Anderson


  • Zach: Steve Swasey
  • Sally: Cayle Erkfitz, Katie White
  • Freeman: Andrew Huff
  • Willum: Robert Shipman
  • Vagabond: Laurence Fron
  • Violent: Carrie Welch
  • Lamson: Eric Moore
  • Mrs. Amson: Colleen M. Messimer
  • Virginia: Paulette La Douceur
  • Tom Allen: Anthony Bonnici
  • Sheriff: Vincenzo Nappo
  • The Deputies: Kristina Tatta, Katie White, Gayle Erkfitz, George Coss
  • Stevens: Bisanne Masoud