External Health, Wellness, and Personal Resources
The non-HFC resources listed here might be of help to you or to someone you know in the HFC community.
The external resources on this website are listed here as a service to the HFC community. These services are not provided by or affiliated with Henry Ford College.
These services and resources have a mission to serve, or provide assistance to, our community members who are in need. A group of people at the College have made a good-faith effort to review these resources for accuracy. However, these resources are not endorsed by or affiliated with Henry Ford College. The College is not responsible for the quality, availability, accuracy, effectiveness, or timeliness of these external resources. Your use of any of these resources takes place at your own discretion and initiative. The College cannot provide assistance in connecting you to these resources, and we cannot assist you in working with them.
Most of the resources listed here are not intended to assist with an emergency or dangerous health and safety situation. If you are in an emergency situation, call 911 for immediate assistance.
If you are seeking internal, HFC-provided resources, please visit our Student Services webpage.
Henry Ford College is a Welcoming College. We believe in the dignity and value of every person. We believe everyone deserves a safe environment and support for their personal and professional success.
Because our mission is education, we are not able to provide for all of the many personal and emotional needs that arise within our community. These resources may be helpful to members of our community to address some of the needs the College cannot meet.
The resources on this page focus on a variety of life circumstances and conditions. These resources represent community-based and civic non-profit organizations that were identified by the HFC Health and Wellness Committee, chaired by Mary Flick.
We do not accept or provide promotional content or solicitations regarding these services. If you believe any of the resources listed here are not providing the services they claim to provide, or you believe that other services are essential to the community and should be listed here, please contact the office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, Holly Diamond.
For internal HFC resources, visit the Student Services or Human Resources website.
Please always be careful to protect your identity and privacy online. Do not provide personally identifying details, your address or home information, or personal contact information on any forum that is open to the public or to people who are strangers to you.
Many more safety tips about staying safe in the world and on the internet are here.
Help protect your safety. Please be thoughtful and mindful as you interact with strangers in the world and online. If something doesn't feel right, ask questions and don't make commitments. Stay connected to people whom you trust.
Some of the services listed on this webpage are provided by organizations that are affiliated with religions such as Christianity or Islam. This does not mean they are churches or mosques, but it does mean that their roots are from a religious background. We feel it is important to disclose these facts to you. They are listed as "religious-affiliated."
You do not have to be a member of any religious community or congregation to use these religious-affiliated resources. They are open to the public. We are simply making you aware of their affiliation. In some cases, religious-affiliated service organizations bring their specific religious values to the services they provide. In some cases, they provide services that are not readily available elsewhere.
If this is important to you, or if you are concerned about an organization's stance on any issue, background, or identity, we recommend you research these organizations before reaching out to them.
This section includes legal aid, hotlines if you are in crisis, a victim of violence, and more.
If you or someone you care about is in immediate danger or you are experiencing an emergency, call 911 immediately.
The hotlines below can provide substantial assistance, but they cannot assist in an emergency.
- Phone: 1-800-RUNAWAY (786-2929)
- Text: 66008
- Address: 3141B North Lincoln Ave., Chicago, IL 60657
The National Runaway Safeline can listen to you and your situation and offer advice, ranging from a list of things to plan for if you leave home to the local and regional laws that affect you, including those concerning your personal freedom and ability to make decisions for yourself. These services are confidential and non-judgmental.
There is an online forum you may use to connect with others who are going through difficulties and resources for bullying.
Please always be careful to protect your identity and privacy online. Do not provide personally identifying details, your address/home information, or contact information on any forum that is open to the public or to people who are strangers to you.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Phone: 988
- Anonymous chat feature available online
The Lifeline provides free and confidential support 24/7 if you are in distress or have loved ones in distress. Areas of support include suicide attempt survivors, disaster survivors, loss survivors, and mental health support for a variety of people. Help is available in Spanish and if you are deaf or hard of hearing. The helpline also offers best practices for professionals.
Puedes acceder a la ayuda en Español.
- Phone: 988, then press 1
- Text: 838255
- Chat feature available online
This hotline offers support focused on the needs of veterans, regardless of whether you are enrolled in VA benefits or health care. Outside of the crisis hotline, they offer help with finding local resources for mental health care and assistance with obtaining VA benefits.
- Phone: 1-800-272-3900
- Email: helplinegmc@alz.org
- Address: 225 N. Michigan Ave., Floor 17, Chicago, IL 60601
This hotline is provided by the Alzheimer’s Association and offers help with finding care and support for those suffering from Alzheimer's (or related dementia conditions) and their families. You can call to learn more about treatments and care options. They also offer various educational resources for learning about Alzheimer’s symptoms and stages.
HIV and STI/STD Information and Resources
- Phone: 1-800-872-2437
- For Michigan Only: Dial 2-1-1
The State of Michigan offers HIV and STI/STD information and support through this hotline. There is also an anonymous chat that is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Phone: 1-800-662-HELP (4357)
- Address: 200 Metro Center Blvd., Unit 10, Warwick, RI 02886
The U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) offers this free, confidential information service, in English or Spanish, and is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Individuals and family members facing mental health or substance use disorders can seek help here.
- Phone: 313-964-4130
- Address: 2727 Second St., Detroit, MI 48201
These anti-poverty advocates offer legal assistance with property tax issues, foreclosure, and homelessness prevention. Their two main programs, tax foreclosure and mortgage foreclosure prevention services, are open some weekday mornings, but they are closed on Thursdays.
- Phone: 734-416-1111
- Address: 44567 Pinetree Dr., Plymouth, MI 48170
First Step offers community response and advocacy programs to address domestic abuse and assaults, and can provide support during court proceedings. They provide a variety support services.
Michigan Crime Victim Services
- MI Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-866-864-2338
- Sexual Assault Hotline: 855-864-2374
- Address: 235 S. Grand Ave. #1113, Lansing, MI 48933
This is a state agency within MDHHS, and it serves victims of a physical crime. It offers several programs to serve and support crime victims:
- Compensation,
- Sexual Assault Forensic Exam (S.A.F.E.),
- Victim Rights and Crime Victim Assistance (VOCA)
- 24-Hour Hotline: 586-463-6990
- Address: PO Box 1123, Mt. Clemens, MI 48046
This organization provides emergency and support services to meet the needs of survivors of domestic and sexual violence. Options include a Turning Point shelter, counseling and advocacy, forensic nurse examiners, personal protection orders and legal help, children and teen programs, and prevention education. Services, including what is provided via the hotline, are also available for those who are limited English-speaking and those who are hearing impaired.
Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office: Special Victims Unit
- Phone: 313-224-5809
- Questions and Information: 313-224-6647
- Address: 1441 St. Antoine, 11th Floor, Detroit, MI 48226
This victim services unit works with crime victims to access information and advocate for victims’ rights. Members of the unit are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The prosecutors and advocates in this unit are trained to prosecute crimes involving domestic violence, sexual assault, or non-sexual crimes involving the young, elderly, and vulnerable adults. They can make referrals for counseling and will provide notification of all court events.
Detroit Police Victim’s Assistance Program
- 24/7 Line: 313-833-1660
The Victim’s Assistance Program offers individual and group counseling and support for domestic violence, sexual assault, and homicide. There are in-person support resources available for the latter two, at a location listed on their webpage. They also list helpful online resources on their webpage.
- Phone: 734-722-6800
- Phone: 888-453-5900
- Detroit Survivor Services (by appointment only): 2727 Second Ave., Suite 304, Detroit, MI 48210
- Lincoln Park Survivor Services (by appointment only): 1394 Cleophus Parkway, Lincoln Park, MI 48146
- Plymouth Admin and Survivor Services: 44567 Pinetree Dr., Plymouth, MI 48170
First Step offers information and referrals for housing, legal assistance, counseling, temporary housing, transportation, and health care for adult victims of domestic violence and their children, and assists women in Wayne county. They can accompany you to court and divorce trials, and offer help with planning for your safety and finding ways to cope. The brochures on their website, under “Agency Flyers + Brochures,” offer more thorough summaries of their services. They have Spanish-speaking counselors and work with the LGBTQ+, Deaf, and disabled communities.
Haven Crisis Center (Oakland County)
- 24-Hour Crisis and Support Line: 248-334-1274
- Toll-Free Crisis Hotline: 877-922-1274
- TTY Line: 248-972-2540
- Address: 801 Vanguard Dr., Pontiac, MI 48341
This organization provides shelter, counseling, advocacy, and educational programming to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. They offer services for the Deaf community and Hard of Hearing.
YWCA Interim House, Detroit (religious-affiliated)
- 24/7 Line: 313-861-5300
- Address: 985 East Jefferson, Suite 10, Detroit, MI 48207
This crisis hotline is for sexual assault, domestic violence, and stalking. The organization offers emergency temporary shelter; food and clothing; case management; group and individual counseling; support groups; and referrals for legal, financial, housing, childcare, transportation, medical, and other facets of support. This is the only domestic violence shelter in Detroit. Their services have qualification requirements. The goal is to give you back control of your life after domestic violence and sexual assault, and they focus on women and children.
This section includes resources related to financial literacy, financial assistance, and utility assistance and relief programs.
- Phone: 855-401-0955
- Address: 2470 Collingwood St., Detroit, MI 48206
This is a nationally-recognized non-profit that helps you build debt management plans and can give you insight into other expenses and budgeting needs. They can help you manage debt and monthly payments, from consolidating credit cards to student loan payment plans to buying a car.
Julie’s List: Homestead Community Financial Resources Page
This website serves a similar function to the webpage you are currently on, listing a variety of links to government agencies, non-profits, and other resources. This list is organized by resource type.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
- Phone: 517-241-3740
The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services offers multiple assistance programs, from the standard Medicaid and food assistance to emergency relief for home repairs, heat and utility bills, relocation, and even burials. Cash assistance options are available for certain groups. There are refugee and migrant support programs as well.
United Way 211 Referral and information Line
- Phone: 313-226-9200
- Address: 3011 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48202
United Way of Southeast Michigan is part of a national network that helps people meet basic needs like housing, food, transportation, and health care. Their assistance can include help paying bills.
Wayne Metropolitan Community Action Agency
- Phone: 313-388-9799
- Email: WMConnectCenter@waynemetro.org
- Detroit: 7310 Woodward, Suite 800, Detroit, MI 48202
- Outside of Wayne County: 2121 Biddle Ave., Wyandotte, MI 48192
This agency has multiple programs that cover financial workshops and counseling, utility assistance, GED preparation, free tax preparation, foreclosure prevention, homeless services, and housing counseling.
WIC Program: Wayne County Health Department
- Phone: 734-727-7106
WIC is for low- and moderate-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women, and infants and children up to age 5 who have nutrition-related health needs. It is a federally funded program, and you can apply through the county. Assistance includes working with a dietician and both perishable and non-perishable food.
Consumers Energy Budget Billing Plan
- Phone: 800-477-5050
- Address: PO Box 740309, Cincinnati, OH 45274-0309
If Consumers Energy is your local gas or electric company, you can call them to enroll in a budget plan in which your rates are standardized throughout the year, regardless of the season.
DTE: Payment Assistance Programs
- Phone: 866-796-0512
- Address: PO Box 740786, Cincinnati, OH 45274-0786
DTE offers a variety of credits and assistance programs. Their credits are often based on the appliances in your home or other household features. Their assistance programs, such as the limited income program linked above, depend upon a variety of factors. The options DTE offers can help reduce your monthly energy bills.
- Local IRS Office: 313-628-3722
- IRS General Number: 844-545-5640
- IRS US Taxpayer Assistance Center Address: 477 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48226
This credit is available based on your income level, and may be affected by other factors and especially by the number of dependents in your household. To apply for the credit, you must file a federal income tax return with Schedule EIC (Earned Income Credit). You can receive an advance cash payment through your employer or apply for the credit when you file your taxes. Contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to apply.
T.H.A.W. The Heat and Warmth Fund
- For Utility Help: 800-866-THAW (8429)
- Local Number: 313-226-9465
- Address: 535 Griswold St., Suite 200 Detroit, MI 48226
The Heat and Warmth Fund works with agencies and programs across the state of Michigan to provide help households with energy and utility expenses during difficult financial periods. They ask that you contact your utility provider first, as that is often the first place to offer relief.
This section includes assistance for unhoused students and those who need help with food, clothing, and public transportation.
If you have an emergency housing / shelter situation, we recommend you reach out to the resources on the MSHDA webpage. You might also review the homeless shelter resources in the section below.
If your emergency is due to domestic abuse or another imminent safety-related matter, call 911 for immediate help to keep you safe.
You do not have to be a member of any religious community or congregation to use these religious-affiliated resources. They are open to the public. Please see note above about religious-affiliated organizations listed on this webpage.
Calvary Care Ministry, Calvary Baptist Church
- Phone: 734-284-2811
- Address: 15500 Howard St., Southgate, MI 48195
They offer coats and related assistance with staying warm in the winter. They also have food assistance options. The ministry is open the first and third Saturday of each month and is located near the south entrance of their building on Howard Street.
Salvation Army Family Stores and Donation
- Detroit: 313-835-3736
- Livonia: 734-425-7573
- Romulus: 734-467-5849
- Westland: 734-722-3660
Salvation Army stores offer low-cost furniture and clothing to help you improve your living situation and life. You can call one of the four locations listed above if you have a specific need or question. Please note that there are multiple locations in Detroit, but the Fort Street location is the store.
(All of the resources below are open to the public. Some are religious-affiliated, as noted. See our explanation of what religious-affiliated organizations are, in the section above.)
- Phone: 844-874-9211 or Dial 211
This website lets you type in what you need and your zip code and gives you options. You may also call one of the numbers provided above and a representative can help you find emergency food assistance.
Capuchin Soup Kitchen (religious-affiliated)
- For specific assistance and general information: 313-925-0514
- Email: fcabras@cskdetroit.org
- Address: 6333 Medbury St., Detroit, MI 48211
The Capuchin Services Center offers a food pantry and a clothing closet. You can to obtain more information, or book an appointment by contacting the numbers below.
Conner Location Information:
- Phone: 313-822-8606 ext. 4217
- Address: 4390 Conner, Detroit, MI 48215
The Conner Kitchen site frequently serves working families, children and seniors. They offer an evening meal so that when children get out of school and adults get out of work there is food available. Their regular meal hours for Monday through Friday are 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. for breakfast, 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch, and 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the evening meal. They offer two meals on Saturdays, one from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Meldrum Location Information:
- Phone: 313-579-2100 ext. 2218
- Address: 1264 Meldrum, Detroit, MI 48207
The Meldrum soup kitchen frequently serves male or trans-masculine guests who have been displaced, unhoused, or are struggling. Meals are served Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. for breakfast and 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for lunch. The Meldrum location offers showers and a change of clothing when they have the resources.
Crossroads (religious-affiliated)
- For general information: 313-831-2787
- For appointments: 313-831-2000
- Main Office Address: 2424 W. Grand Blvd. Detroit, MI 48208
Crossroads offers clothing, food, and household items. It also offers a hot meal every Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in their soup kitchen. If you wish to make an appointment for assistance, they ask that you call at least on day in advance.
Crossroads East (religious-affiliated)
- For making appointments here and other locations: 313-822-5200
- Address: 21230 Moross Road, Detroit, MI 48236
Crossroads East has some of the same services as the main location (see above). You can call either location for appointments at all Crossroads services and locations, but you must call at least a day in advance.
- Phone: 313-453-2637
- Address: 2131 Beaufait, Detroit, MI 48207
Gleaners partners with a variety of community organizations and locations in order to distribute food. You can also view a map of food pantries near you.
If you wish to obtain state food assistance, MI Bridges is where you will register and apply. The State of Michigan offers a variety of food assistance programs.
If you are able-bodied and you work at least 20 hours per week, you are eligible for food assistance. Others are also eligible under other criteria. Women with dependent children are often eligible for the WIC program.
There is a program for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) eligibility that is specifically for low-income college or technical school students who are enrolled in school at least half-time. If you received a Perkins qualification or loan in your financial aid package, then you are probably eligible.
Zaman International Food Distribution Services (a.k.a. Bayt Al-Zahra)
- Phone: 313-551-3994
- Email: info@zamaninternational.org
Zaman International, sometimes listed on its webpage as Bayt Al-Zahra, serves marginalized women and children. It offers not only a food pantry but hot food and supplemental food vouchers, as well as other services.
Help's on the Way Client Center
- Phone: 313-908-7104
- Address: 5358 S. Beech Daly Road, Dearborn Heights, MI 48125
This organization has a food pantry that is open most Thursdays 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. until everyone on their coordinator’s list is served. No appointments are necessary, so you just give your name when you arrive.
- Phone: 313-551-4043
- Address: 27717 Carlysle St., Inkster, MI 48141
This is a food pantry that allows you to choose what you need from their shelves, otherwise known as a client’s choice pantry, in Inkster. They are Wednesdays 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and Thursdays 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. with slightly longer hours every 4th Thursday in a month.
You do not have to be a member of any religious community or congregation to use these religious-affiliated resources. They are open to the public. Please see note above about religious-affiliated organizations listed on this webpage.
- Phone: 734-397-1777 ext. 2011
- Address: 4301 S. Lilley Road, Canton, MI 48188
This food pantry is available by appointment. You must call first to be registered before you can access any services.
Disciples of Christ Baptist Church
- Phone: 313-838-3123
- Address: 13501 Schaefer Highway, Detroit, MI 48227
- Phone: 313-292-1220
- Address: 5650 South Telegraph Road Dearborn Heights, MI 48125
Open every second and fourth Friday of the month, 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Phone: 313-584-4143
- Address: 14350 Tireman, Detroit, MI 48228
Open Saturdays 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and welcomes families.
Salvation Army of Dearborn Heights
- Phone: 313-563-4457 ext. 505
- Email: colleen_dahl@usc.salvationarmy.org
- Address: 26700 W. Warren, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
Open Tuesdays and Fridays by appointment only. Please call or email ahead of time.
- Phone: 313-835-3736
- Address: 11311 Montrose St., Detroit, MI 48227
This pantry offers non-perishable items and basic hygiene items. Their hours are usually Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. On occasion, they can provide fresh produce, bread, and other items by appointment or in an emergency. They also serve holiday meals for which you can register, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving.
South Oakland Food Depot, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul
- Phone: 313-393-2930
- Email: svdpfooddepot@gmail.com
- Address: 28720 Stephenson Highway, Madison Heights, MI 48071
This food depot is in Madison Heights and is associated with the Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit. It is open Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and is located within the St. Vincent de Paul Detroit’s Madison Heights store. Please bring proof of income and an ID with proof of address for all household members receiving aid.
Trinity Community Presbyterian Church
- Phone: 313-342-2288
- Address: 4849 W. Outer Dr. Detroit, MI 48235
You might need to schedule an appointment in advance. Their office is open Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
- Local IRS Office: 313-628-3722
- IRS General Number: 844-545-5640
- IRS US Taxpayer Assistance Center Address: 477 Michigan Ave., Detroit, MI 48226
This credit is available based on your income level, and may be affected by other factors and especially by the number of dependents in your household. To apply for the credit, you must file a federal income tax return with Schedule EIC (Earned Income Credit). You can receive an advance cash payment through your employer or apply for the credit when you file your taxes. Contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to apply.
Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MSHDA)
- Toll Free: 1-855-MI-MSHDA (1-855-646-7432)
- Detroit Office Phone: 313-456-3540
- Email: MSHDA@michigan.gov
- Address: 3028 W. Grand Blvd. Ste 4-600, P.O. Box 02990, Detroit, Michigan 48202
The main page of the MSHDA website has a variety of resources and programs to help residents of Michigan.
United Community Housing Coalition
- Eviction Hotline: 866-313-2520
- Email: help@uchcdetroit.org
- Address: 2727 Second Ave., Suite 313, Detroit, MI 48201
This organization offers housing assistance programs and legal guidance for residents of Detroit. If you review their home page, you can find specialized numbers for specific needs. Please note that visiting their office requires an appointment. Their Contact Us page lists bus routes you may use to reach them if you have an appointment.
United Way Community Services: 211
- 24/7 Helpline: 211
- Phone: 1-800-552-1183
- Text your zip code to 898-211
United Way can help you pay housing or utility bills, or otherwise reduce the burden of financial insecurity by directing you to government resources. They also can direct you to legal aid or ways to speak with your landlord. In addition to housing assistance, they offer food assistance. The local Chapter is called United Way for Southeastern Michigan 2-1-1, which is part of the national 211 network of organizations.
Cass Community Social Services
- Phone: 313-883-2277
- Address: 11745 Rosa Parks Blvd., Detroit, MI 48206
This is a Detroit-based agency that offers different housing support options, from a warming center for families and women to church-based rotating shelters for adults. They can help with housing and food, healthcare, and sustainability-oriented jobs within their community.
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 313-993-4700
- Email: info@drmm.org
- Address: 150 Stimson St., Detroit, MI 48201
This organization offers different housing options, and some include addiction recovery services. They offer support for veterans and have many options for people with disabilities.
This is a list of emergency and general shelters as well as transitional housing opportunities. Please go to the shelter’s website to make sure they meet your needs, and call them to find out if they have a waitlist.
Samaritas Family Center (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 734-721-0590
- Address: 30600 Michigan Ave., Westland, MI 48186
This emergency shelter for homeless families is a partnership between Wayne County and the Lutheran-affiliated organization Samaritas. Services are available to two-parent families, single-parent families, and pregnant women. They have a laundry room, job counseling, childcare for preschoolers, and more. You must go through an assessment to determine your eligibility.
The Coordinated Assessment Model (CAM)
- Hotline: 313-305-0311
- Email: info@camdetroit.org
CAM connects you to resources and serves Detroit, Hamtramck, and Highland Park. This organization has a standardized process for helping people experiencing homelessness and can give you a referral to an organization or resource. You can call the hotline for assistance, including finding an emergency overnight shelter if needed.
- Phone: 313-933-1300
The Detroit Department of Transportation serves the city of Detroit, surrounding suburbs, and neighboring cities, including Highland Park and Hamtramck. Stops near the HFC main campus include Evergreen @ HFC for Route 60: Evergreen (Fairlane Town Center to Northwestern & 10 Mile) and Fairlane Town Center for Route 10: Greenfield (9 Mile to Fairlane Town Center and vice versa). Please select the above link to view a list of the routes.
This is a valuable guide to transportation services for those with accessibility needs. It offers ideas for communication, physical protection, technology, and more.
- Phone: 866-962-5515
- Royal Oak Transit Center: 202 Sherman Drive, Royal Oak Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
- Downtown Transit Center: Buhl Building, 535 Griswold Street, Lobby, Detroit Weekdays: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
SMART Buses run through multiple counties and offer both fixed-route bus services and curb-to-curb services, no reservations needed.
This section includes assistance related to health care, insurance plans, free healthcare options, and childcare services.
- Phone: 313-361-4000
- Crisis Line: 888-234-3919
- Email: resourcecenter@alternativesforgirls.org
- Address: 903 W. Grand Blvd., Detroit, MI 48208
Though this provides aid to women and girls in crisis, it should be noted that they offer services for young and adult women with children, as well as mentoring, after-school, college prep, and summer camp programs for girls ages 7-19.
- Phone: 877-614-7328
This organization can help you find child care by listing programs and providing criteria by which you can evaluate programs on their safety and educational capacities. It has a Child Development and Care Program that offers affordability through the MI Bridges portal, for which the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will schedule an interview for eligibility.
Most applications at this webpage will take you to MI Bridges, where you can apply for childcare assistance, including reimbursement programs. If you are pursuing an associate or bachelor’s degree (whether online or in-person), or a trade certificate or training program, you are eligible for assistance.
Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Navigation Program – BC3NP
- Program eligibility/enrollment: 844-446-8727
- Email: bc3np@michigan.gov
Comprehensive coverage for low-income women through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for breast and cervical cancer screening services and follow-up care, including cancer treatment if needed.
Detroit Alliance for Asthma Awareness
- Phone: 313-819-4641
A comprehensive program is available for adults and children, especially if uninsured or underinsured, with asthma and those who are considered high-risk. They also welcome people without asthma for Asthma education, training, and outreach activities in Detroit.
Detroit Community Health Connection (DCHC) – Nolan Family Health Center
- Phone: 313-366-5200
- Address: 62 W. Seven Mile Road, Detroit, MI 48203
This location of the Nolan Family Medical Center offers dental care and procedures by appointment only.
ACCESS (Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services) (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 313-216-2230
- Address: 6450 Maple St., Dearborn, MI 48126
This integrated community health center has medical, specialty, laboratory, pharmacy, and other services. They accept Medicaid, Medicare, and most private health insurance plans, and if you have no insurance, they maintain affordability based on your income.
American Indian Health and Family Services Southeast Michigan
- Phone: 313-846-6030
- Address: 4880 Lawndale, Detroit, MI 48210
This comprehensive health center serves American Indian/Alaska Native individuals, families, and other underserved populations in Southeast Michigan. They provide integrated medical, behavioral, specialty, and support services.
Family Health Clinic
- Phone: 313-670-9943
- Email: info@fhc.c-asist.org
- Address: 23100 Cherry Hill St., Suite 9, Dearborn, 48124
This clinic provides primary, specialty, or prescription health care to patients who are uninsured, under-insured, or have limited access to health services. Physicians, nurses, medical students, and medical staff volunteer with this clinic. This clinic is a product of C-ASIST, a community health initiative.
HealthWell Foundation
- Phone: 800-675-8416
- Email: grants@healthwellfoundation.org
Assists with copays, premiums, deductibles, and out-of-pocket expenses when health insurance is not enough to cover chronic or life-altering diseases. This includes help paying for travel costs and medications.
HUDA Clinic: A Free Health Clinic in Metro-Detroit (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 313-865-8446
- Email: info@hudaclinic.org
- Address: 13240 Woodrow Wilson St., Detroit, MI 48238
This clinic serves uninsured people in the Metro-Detroit area. It offers dental, vision care, podiatry, and mental health services, and other specialty services available at no-cost to patients.
Joy Southfield Covenant Clinic (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 313-446-8800
- Address: 18917 Joy Road, Detroit, MI, 48228
Covenant Clinic is a community care initiative and offers the routine care usually provided by a family doctor or primary care physician, including chronic condition management. There are dental and counseling appointments available by appointment only. In addition to these services, they can help you find and enroll in health insurance.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services
This website lists options for health care and places where you can search for health insurance, and also has more specific services like help paying for medications.
Western Wayne Free Family Health Center of Dearborn
- Phone: 313-561-5100
- Address: 4700 Schaefer Road, Ste 245 & 255, Dearborn, MI 48126 This is one of five centers listed on the Western Wayne Free Family Health Centers website. They provide affordable healthcare, no insurance required. Their services include dental, healthcare specialists, school/sports physicals, and immunizations.
- Phone: 1-855-789-5610
This plan is administered by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and can help you if you make $18,000 or less per year as an individual and are not enrolled in or do not qualify for other Medicaid programs.
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS)
The State of Michigan offers a multitude of specialized programs, including low-cost medical coverage that is adjusted based on your income and Medicaid eligibility specifically for pregnancy and associated emergencies.
- Phone: 877-887-6327
There is a questionnaire which will tell you if you qualify for a no-cost eye exam for health screening purposes and connects you with a volunteer ophthalmologist. They do not provide operations, medications, or eyeglass prescriptions, nor will they cover the cost of eyeglasses. They can make referrals for these services if needed.
You can contact your local Lions Club and ask if they have collected and recycled eyeglasses that are compatible with your vision needs.
This section includes information, hotlines, support groups, and additional resources specific to LGBTQ+ community members.
- Phone: 248-398-7105
- Email: info@goaffirmations.org
- Address: 290 W. Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI 48220
Affirmations provides a welcoming space. LGBTQ+ friendly resources include mental wellness and health services, homelessness resources, domestic violence support, and resources for parents.
- Phone: 248-475-6300
- Toll-free: 800-75-SEALS
- For Hearing Impaired Call Michigan Relay at "711"
- Address: 2399 E. Walton Blvd., Auburn Hills, MI 48326
Easter Seals is not LGBTQ-specific. However, this non-sectarian organization and serves and supports all people who have disabilities, addictions, or special needs and their families so they can successfully live, learn, work, and play in their communities. You can contact them through their web-based contact form.
- Phone: 313-537-7000
- Email: gmaze@equalitymi.org
- Address: 290 W. Nine Mile Rd., Ferndale, MI 48220
Equality Michigan, also known as EQMI, is a statewide anti-violence and advocacy organization that serves Michigan’s LBTQ and HIV-affected communities. They offer victim services, anti-violence support, LGBTQ and HIV public policy advocacy, field services, Motor City Pride, ComedyFest, and Women’s Golf OUTing.
- Phone: 855-345-8464
- Email: info@transgendermichigan.org
Transgender Michigan provides advocacy, support, and education to empower transgender and gender non-conforming community members and allies.
- General Hotline: 888-843-4564
- Coming Out Support Hotline: 888-688-5428 (888-OUT-LGBT)
This organization offers multiple hotlines, including the Help center hotline above, and a secure anonymous online chat. They can help connect you with local organizations, resources, and communities and provide a variety of information.
- Phone: 1-877-360-LGBT (5428)
- Address: 290 W. Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, MI 48220
This organization specializes in helping older LGBTQ people navigate life. Their hotline responders are certified in crisis response but can also help connect you with resources or just listen.
- US Phone: 877-565-8860
- Canada Phone: 877-330-6366
This lifeline is offered by and for trans individuals. They have operators who speak Spanish. Their organization also offers financial aid for name changes, re-integration after incarceration, and other resources.
Covenant House (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 313-463-2000
- Address: 2959 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd., Detroit, MI 48208
Covenant House Michigan (CHM) provides shelter and support programs to people ages 18-24 who are experiencing or are at risk of homelessness. All services are free.
- Phone: 734-662-2222
- Address: 1600 N. Huron River Drive, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Serves residents of Washtenaw County by providing free, confidential, voluntary shelter and support services to homeless youth including runaways and at-risk youth ages 10-20 and their families.
- Phone: 313-252-1950
- Address: 95 Victor St., Highland Park, MI 48203
Provides short-term and long-term residential safe space and support services to at-risk, runaway, and homeless youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning.
- Phone: 866-488-7386
The Trevor Project is a national organization providing 24/7 crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning young people. They also offer a way to make connections with others in your local community.
Vista Maria (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 800-7-VISTA-6
- Email: info@vistamaria.org
- Address: 20651 W. Warren St., Dearborn Heights, MI 48127
This organization, inclusive of all faiths but with Christian values, focuses on helping young girls and women become independent and happy after experiencing trauma. They also offer foster care services for children.
This section includes mental and physical health and wellness resources.
La Vida: Community Health and Social Services by CHASS Center
- Phone: 313-849-3920
- Address: 5635 W. Fort St., Detroit, MI 48209
LA VIDA Partnership, a community program of CHASS Center, is a program that provides services and resources targeted to Latino/a youth and families in Southwest Detroit and Southeast Michigan. All services are provided in English and Spanish.
ACCESS Hotline (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 833-774-0002
ACCESS Behavioral Health can help connect you with providers in Southeast Michigan. Their hotline offers help with finding other services, as well.
MY Mental Wellness. ICO Mental Health Program (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 313-584-4143
- Address: 14350 Tireman Ave., Detroit, MI 48228
MY-Mental Wellness is a mental health program at the Islamic Center of Detroit that provides mental health and wellness programs for youth and adults.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
- Phone: 1-800-273-8255
Wayne County Mental Health DWIHN
- Phone: 800-241-4949
- Address: 707 W. Milwaukee Ave., Detroit, MI 48202-2943
Offers support for mental illnesses, including diagnosis and building support networks.
- Phone: 313-438-7977
- Scheduling Number: 248-655-3191
- Address: 18200 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn, MI 48124
A full-service health and wellness center offering fitness training and health expertise, the result of a partnership between Corewell (formerly Beaumont) Health and the YMCA of Metro Detroit.
Detroit Active for Life
- Phone: 313-446-4444 ext. 5335
- Address: 1333 Brewery Park Blvd., Ste 200, Detroit, MI 48207
An exercise program that is open to all adults 50 and older. Offered at four Detroit community-based locations.
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
- Phone: 800-932-8677
- Address: 4575 S. Fifth St., PO Box 070360, Milwaukee, WI 53207
A non-profit, noncommercial network of weight-loss support groups. TOPS offers tools and programs for healthy living and weight management.
Dearborn Pastoral Counseling Center (religious-affiliated)
- Phone: 313-274-4570
- Address: 24110 Cherry Hill, Dearborn, MI 48214
The center is staffed with licensed professional counselors. It is associated with multiple churches in the area.
Detroit Rescue Mission Ministries (religious-affiliated)
- General Number: 313-993-4700
- 24/7 Addiction Helpline: 313-263-0077
- TTY/TDD Number (for the deaf or hard of hearing): (313) 826-1574
- Email: info@drmm.org
- Address: 150 Stimson St., Detroit, MI 48201
Two addiction programs are available, one for detoxification (provided by nurses and a licensed physician) and substance abuse treatment. They can help with funding if you do not have insurance.
Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network
- Hotline for those on Medicaid: 800-241-4949
- 707 W. Milwaukee St., Detroit, MI 48202
Integrated health and support services for people who have access to Medicaid in Wayne county and Detroit. They will help you find a provider or services that are convenient and covered.