Eligible Career Pathway Programs

If you did not earn a high school diploma or a GED, and you want to enroll in college with financial aid eligibility, check out our Eligible Career Pathway Programs. They are available through the federal Ability to Benefit (ATB) process.

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Henry Ford College and the Dearborn Public Schools have created accessible and affordable pathways to higher education for adults who have not earned a high school diploma or GED.*

This program is essentially a 2-for-1 program. You earn your college credential and your high school completion at the same time. Eligible students will receive financial aid to earn a college certificate at Henry Ford College. You may continue at Henry Ford College to earn a degree, following regular financial aid procedures.

* (Note: Eligible Career Pathways is not a dual-enrollment program for current high school students. For HFC dual enrollment programs, visit this website).

How to get started in Eligible Career Pathway Programs

  1. Enroll in Dearborn Public Schools Education Program and determine your eligibility for Eligible Career Pathway Programs
  2. Apply to Henry Ford College
  3. Fill out your federal financial aid documents FAFSA
  4. Confirm program eligibility with an HFC ECPP Advisor
  5. Complete and pass the ATB exam
  6. Meet with your ECPP Advisor to register for HFC classes in one of the 8 eligible certificate programs listed below.

Enrollment Requirements

To be eligible to enroll in the Eligible Career Pathway Programs, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Enroll in Dearborn Public Schools Adult Education Program
  • Submit a completed application to HFC.
  • Complete your FAFSA application for federal financial aid
  • Meet required test scores.
  • Attend a general orientation.
  • Regularly meet with a ECPP Support Coordinator.
  • Have legal permission to work in the United States.
  • Males 18-25 must be registered with the U.S. Selective Service.

More information for students

  1. What is an Eligible Career Pathway Program?

    • Aligns with the skills needs of industries in the state or region;
    • Prepares you to be successful in secondary or postsecondary education;
    • Provides academic and career goals counseling and support services;
    • Education is offered concurrently with (and in the same context as) workforce preparation activities and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster;
    • Is organized to meet the particular needs of an individual in a manner that accelerates their educational and career advancement;
    • Enables an individual to attain a high school diploma or recognized equivalent, and at least one recognized postsecondary credential; and
    • Helps an individual enter or advance within a specific occupation or occupational cluster
  2. What ATB test preparation resources should I use?

  3. Is a student who enrolls in an eligible career pathway program required to complete a secondary school (high school) credential?

    • No. A student who seeks Title IV eligibility under the ATB alternatives (ATB student) enrolled in an eligible career pathway program will have the opportunity to attain a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent. However, for the certificate you are attempting to achieve, many employers will need to see both accomplishments.
  4. Am I still eligible for funding after I complete my high school completion program?

    • No, you will no longer be eligible for financial aid under the ATB/Eligible Career Pathways program. However, you may be eligible for traditional Financial Aid funding through the US Department of Education.
  5. Do I have to be a resident of Dearborn to attend Dearborn Public Schools’ Adult Education Program?

    • No, enrollment is open to interested students in any community.
  6. Whom do I contact at Dearborn Public Schools for questions about their Adult Education Program?