Student Clubs

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Whether you are interested in community service, more experience in your academic program, or just meeting friends and having fun, you'll find a variety of clubs at HFC.

Complete the Club Interest Form and indicate which clubs you are interested in joining. If you want to form a new club, or have questions about campus life, contact the Student Activities Office.

Hours during Winter Semester:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Located in the Student Center (M)

Information on student clubs and activities, and volunteer opportunities.

Start a Club! (Click the + to learn how)

The Office of Student Activities governs the policies and procedures regarding recognition and the operation of student groups on campus. To be recognized by the College, prospective student groups must meet the following criteria:

  • At least ten currently enrolled student members, who will be active with the club.
  • A current membership roster listing names, student ID numbers, hawkmail addresses, and phone numbers.
  • Club officers (president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, etc.)
  • Club advisor, full-time or part-time HFC faculty or staff member.
  • Constitution and Bylaws
  • Approval of Constitution document with signatures of the club president and club advisor.
  • A list of potential activities.

Submit completed documents to the Office of Student Activities. The paperwork will be reviewed by the Director of Student Activities and Vice President of Student Affairs for final approval. The following are taken into consideration:

  • The nature of the club.
  • The group demonstrates viability and effectiveness in fulfilling its constitution and intended purpose by submitting meeting agendas and minutes as part of its paperwork.
  • The membership has potential to grow.
  • The constitution includes the provision that every currently enrolled student at HFC has the right to join the club. If the prospective group is approved, the club president and club advisor will be notified of its status.

Current Club List

African American Association

The African American Association promotes and provides awareness of African American culture and history through educational programs, community involvement, and campus activities.

Advisor: Paul Rodgers, (313) 317-6673;

All Around Arts Association (A4)

The purpose of the All Around Arts Association (A4) is to allow students with artistic gifts the opportunity to express themselves. This organization can be used as a platform for those who seek to further themselves in the integrity of the arts, such as: fine arts, writing, musical expression, and more.

Advisor: Steven Glazer, (313) 845-6485;

American Sign Language

The purpose of the American Sign Language Club (ASL) is to provide a forum for students who share a common interest in learning, participating, and cultivating language.

Advisor: Jennifer Stewart;

Animation, Comics, and Gaming

The club provides a venue for sharing of information, attending events relating to animation, comics, and gaming, and social events for students.

Advisor: Kenneth Nichols, (313) 317-6888;
Co-Advisor: Reco Spencer,

Arab Student Union

The Arab Student Union increases awareness among Arabs and non-Arabs by promoting academic, cultural, political, and social activities on campus and in the community.

Contact: Student Activities Office, (313) 845-9865;

Astronomy Club

The Astronomy Club encourages student involvement to see the fun side of astronomy and science. Works with other clubs to increase interest in the math and science worlds.

Contact: Student Activities Office, (313) 845-9865;

Baking Club

Students learn about baking and pastry arts. The club provides the opportunity to learn about careers in baking and pastry arts. Students participate in community events to refine and improve their skills and increase their self-confidence.

Advisor: Lauren Wallace,

Black Male and QUEENS Focus Group

The Black Male and QUEENS (Quintessential Unique Essence of Ebony Necessary Sisters) Focus Group challenges and changes the accepted narrative regarding Black academic success. We operate from a position of collective strength, rather than a deficit, to address the role, obligations, and necessity of Black manhood and womanhood in the academy and beyond. We are models of excellence who defy, critique, and improve prevailing images of Black men and women in the academy and throughout the world.

Advisor: Dr. Kalvin DaRonne Harvell, (313) 317-1533,

Chess Club

The purpose of this club is to provide a social outlet for students who would like to play chess. The club promotes team building skills and the opportunity to socialize while playing chess.

Advisor: Jeremy Adelman, (313) 845-9871;

Community Service Club

The club promotes Acts of Kindness, and student involvement in community service projects at the college and within the community. Projects include campus activities, service based learning projects, and mentoring programs. This is a "hands on" club that encourages members to help others and make a difference in this world.

Contact: Sarah Soebbing, (313) 845-9834;

Competitive Gaming Club

The Competitive Gaming Club builds social connections among students who share common interests; and encourages sportsmanship and positive attitudes while being competitive.

Contact: Student Activities Office, (313) 845-9865;

Cybersecurity Club

This club provides support to members by encouraging networking and by attending events outside the campus that provide educational opportunities. The Cybersecurity Club offers a Women in Cybersecurity component. Women gain knowledge about job opportunities and social networking programs. The club strives to encourage student success through educational programs and helps students with computer security and training for future careers.

Advisor: Marrci Conner, (313) 317-4021;

Engineering Club

The Engineering Club encourages students to explore careers in the field of engineering and provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and activities related to the field of engineering. The club strives to develop future leaders through team-work and opportunities for professional growth and development.

Advisor: Dr. Hassan Nameghi, 313-317-1746 or email
Engineering Club Website
Engineering Club Facebook Page

Faith and Reason

The Faith and Reason club connects HFC students and the broader Dearborn community to facilitate intellectual and spiritual discovery and growth.

Advisor: Bret Abdullah,

Film and Media Club

The purpose of the "FAM Club" is to support, encourage, and engage HFC students in the production, distribution, appreciation, and discussion of film, video, and other media.

Advisor: Thomas Hopkins, (313) 414-2004;
Co-Advisor: Susan McGraw, (313) 845-9842;

Future Teachers Association

Pre-Education Program LogoPromotes career opportunities in teaching. Provides educational forums, workshops, and community service projects related to careers in education.

Advisor: Dr. Carolyn Casale;

Ice Carving Club

The Ice Carving Club is a "hands on learning" club. Students learn the art of ice carving and have the opportunity to participate in community events that promote ice carving and allow members to display their work.

Advisor: Charles Carter,

International Students Organization (ISO)

The main purpose of the organization is to promote social interaction among international students and expose students to different cultural backgrounds.

Advisors: Sara Gonzalez-Herrera, (313) 317-6520;; Sulian Larmond, (313) 845-6422;

Intervarsity Christian Fellowship

IVCF promotes God's work and God's people of every ethnicity and culture. Offers discussion groups and group activities that center around the word of God.

Contact: Rachel Grimaldo,

Knitting and Crochet Club

The purpose of this club is to teach interested students in learning how to knit/crochet, improve its connected skills, and facilitate socialization among students who knit and crochet.

Advisor: Alison Buchanan, (313) 317-6511;

Latino and Hispanic Student Association

The club works to expand the Latino/Hispanic heritage among faculty and students unite and connect with the diverse community at the college and celebrate cultures within the heritage by hosting meetings and events.

Advisor: Maria Sepulveda,

Mathematics Club

The purpose of this club is to promote and improve quantitative literacy and problem-solving capabilities in the vast field of mathematics.

Advisors: (Michael) Eng Hong Sin,; Michael Zalzali,

Mindfulness Club

The Mindfulness Club promotes and encourages the practice of mindfulness and mental health care among HFC students. The club conducts regular group meditation sessions and works to foster a healthy community with relaxing activities.

Advisor: Kayla Collins, (313) 845-9865;

Modern and Cultural Dance Club

This club aims to explore dance styles from different cultural backgrounds, improve technical skills, provide students with performance opportunities, and provide a safe environment to explore dance as a creative outlet.

Advisor: Kenetra Young, (313) 317-4123;

Music Club

The Music club unites musicians and music-makers at Henry Ford College, regardless of major, into a community of cooperation and collaboration.

Advisor: Anthony Lai,

Muslim Students Association (MSA)

The MSA promotes an understanding of Muslim beliefs through community service projects, educational forums, and public awareness. The MSA strives to promote unity among people.

Advisor: Dr. Kamal Shenaq, (313) 673-4665;

National Society for Leadership and Success

The Society supplies students with the tools to implement a program that transforms students’ lives. The Society offers life-changing lectures, success networking teams, orientation sessions, induction ceremony, and scholarship opportunities. The Society believes in engaged learning, accountability for student success, and increase student satisfaction.

Advisor: Cassandra Fluker, (313) 845-9838;

Phi Theta Kappa: Alpha Xi Mu Chapter

An honors based organization based on community service, leadership, fellowship, and scholarships. Students are required to maintain a 3.5 grade point average and have completed 12 credit hours to join.

Advisor: Chardin Claybourne, 313-845-9818;

Pre-Health Club

The Pre-Health Club provides HFC students with an outlet to explore future education and career opportunities in all health-related fields (physical therapy, physician assistant, respiratory therapy, sonography, biomedical research, health ethics, etc.), including medical, dental, or pharmacy schools. The Pre-Health Club serves a resource to students looking for opportunities to intern, job shadow, and learn from current professionals in different Health fields.

Advisor: Sarah Plecha,

Programming Club

This club shares knowledge and expertise of computer programming and provides professional networking opportunities for students and information about career opportunities.

Advisor: Kim Moscardelli; (313) 317-1549;

Psi Beta-National Honor Society in Psychology

This association serves as a means of national recognition of the student's early interest in and dedication to the field of psychology and to scholastic achievement. The organization provides a forum for developing one's perspective about psychology and helps build a sense of community and identity with others in the field. The association will enhance the leadership skills of members, encourage research and provide opportunities for student/faculty interaction outside the classroom. For information about Psi Beta Meetings, contact the advisor.

Advisor: Elaine Louisell (313) 845-9713;

Rotary Club

Students will perform community service projects with the Dearborn Rotary Club. Students have the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of the needs, problems and opportunities in the community and worldwide. The club strives to develop the professional and leadership skills of club members.

Contact: Student Activities Office, (313) 845-9865,

Sexuality and Gender Acceptance Club (SAGA)

SAGA works to establish an atmosphere of tolerance and respect at Henry Ford College and promotes a safe and comfortable campus atmosphere for the LGBTQ+ community and allies. All interested students are welcome.

Advisor: Chelsea Lonsdale, (313) 845-9828;

Student Environmental Association

This club promotes and provides programs that help the environment. Contributes to the understanding and appreciation of problems associated with the preservation of natural resources and wildlife. Provides a forum to discuss environmental concerns.

Advisor: Dr. Mary Parekunnel (313) 317-1747;

Student Nurses Association

We are a volunteer group of nursing students who love to help our surrounding communities. SNA members have the opportunity to participate in many activities. Membership to the SNA is open to students currently enrolled in the nursing program. In the past, we have donated water bottles to Flint, made ICARE kits for the homeless, volunteered at the Dearborn Animal Shelter and helped out at Cass Community soup kitchen. We also have events with our group on campus, such as movie night, campus clean-up, bake sales and coin wars. SNA members can also participate in bowling and Yankee Candle fundraisers to raise money for different foundations in need.

Advisor: Christie-Marie Buck,

Student Veterans Association

This organization will service members and dependents of the United States Armed Forces by maintaining a welcoming atmosphere for Veterans transitioning from Military to civilian life and services for Veterans within the community. This organization will bring people together through respect and the desire to help our nation’s heroes and their families.

Advisor: Jason Mills, (313) 317-1797;

Theatre Club

The Theatre Club works to provide support for HFC’s theatre program and its annual performance season, including direct involvement in promoting, developing, and participating in theatrical programming. All students interested in singing, acting, behind-the-scenes artistry or tech, and the arts & entertainment in general, are welcome to join.

Advisor: John Michael Sefel, 313-845-6478;

Yemeni Student Association (YSA)

The Yemeni Student Association educates the campus community about Yemeni culture. Promotes student involvement, education, campus lectures and cultural events.

Advisor: Heather Mitchell;

Jan 23

MLK Poster-Making Workshop

Rosenau Rooms in the ASCC
Jan 28

Welcome Back Days for all students

John McDonald Student and Culinary Arts Center
Jan 29

Welcome Back Days for all students

John McDonald Student and Culinary Arts Center
Jan 30

Welcome Back Days for all students

John McDonald Student and Culinary Arts Center