HFC Board of Trustees Documents and Recordings
The Board of Trustees provides detailed documents of their monthly meetings, which are open to the public.
HFC Board Meeting Schedule
The HFC Board of Trustees regular meetings are held monthly at 7:00 p.m. in the Andrew A. Mazzara Administrative Services and Conference Center (ASCC, Building L) in the Rosenau board room on the first floor, usually on the third Monday of the month, unless otherwise specified. Special meetings are held periodically, announced with a minimum of 18 hours’ advance public notice. Notices of all meetings are posted on the HFC website and on the public entrances to the ASCC building on the main HFC campus.
All meetings are open to the public.
2024-2025 academic year meetings:
- Monday, August 26, 2024
- Monday, September 16, 2024
- Monday, October 21, 2024
- Monday, November 25, 2024
- Monday, December 9, 2024
- Tuesday, January 21, 2025
- Monday, February 17, 2025
- Monday, March 17, 2025
- Monday, April 21, 2025
- Monday, May 19 2025
- Monday, June 16, 2025
The Board of Trustees does not meet in July. Meetings for the next fiscal year begin in August.
2024-2025 Board meetings schedule as a PDF document.
Agendas, documents, minutes
Archive of All Board of Trustees Agendas, Minutes, and Reports
Minutes from the most recent meeting are not available until they are officially approved by the Board at the following month's meeting. All minutes posted here have been officially approved by the Board.
Public Comment / Citizen Participation at Board Meetings
Citizens may participate in Board meetings by speaking to the Board during a designated portion of the meeting, or by submitting comments or questions to the Board to be read by the Board at a later time.
If you wish to speak to the Board during the Citizen Participation portion of the meeting:
- Fill out a blue Citizen Participation / Public Comment card. These cards will be on the table next to the public entrance door to the meeting.
- Submit your card to the Board Secretary before the meeting begins.
- Your name will be called during the Citizen Participation portion of the meeting by the Board Secretary.
- Proceed to the podium when your name is called.
Please understand and follow these guidelines while speaking:
Decorum and expectations
- Be courteous and respectful, modeling for our students and the public how a person can respectfully advocate for an issue or disagree with other views.
- Address all comments to the entire Board, and not to any individual Board member, staff member, or the audience.
- Do not mention the names of students or College/District employees.
- The Citizen Participation section of the agenda is for the Board to receive community feedback. The Board generally does not respond to speakers. Please do not expect an immediate response from Board members.
Time limit and structure
- There is a strict three-minute time limit per speaker so that everyone may be heard.
- If several individuals wish to speak on the same topic, please appoint one spokesperson to represent the group. Otherwise, there will not be enough time for all speakers on all topics.
Board response to disruptive behavior
- If, during your three minutes, your comments become personally directed, abusive, obscene, or irrelevant, your time will be interrupted or ended.
- If a speaker attempts to misuse the Citizen Participation period and fails to follow reasonable and respectful decorum, the Board will be required to address such misuse, and potentially remove anyone who is disrupting the meeting. The Board may suspend the meeting if necessary.
If you have questions, please contact the HFC Division of Marketing and Communications prior to the close of business on the day of the Board meeting:
Recordings of Board Meetings
HFC Board of Trustees meetings are video recorded. The camera is placed in the center of the room and faces the Board. All meeting attendees should be aware that the camera remains in recording mode throughout the Board meeting, including shortly prior to and following the meeting.
The recording may pick up unintended audio or video footage within range of the camera, including individual conversations and comments.
Auxiliary Aids for Meeting Visitors
The HFC Board of Trustees will provide reasonable auxiliary aids and services, such as hand signers for the hearing impaired, audio tapes of printed materials being considered at the meeting, to individuals with disabilities at the meeting (and/or hearing) upon two weeks’ notice to the HFC Board of Trustees.
Individuals with disabilities requiring auxiliary aids or services should contact the HFC College Board of Trustees and leave a message which includes:
- Your name and contact information;
- What meeting and the date you wish to attend; and
- What type of aid you are requesting.
This notice was posted by Patti Flogaus, Interim Executive Assistant to the President, to comply with Sections 4 and 5 of the Michigan Open Meetings Act (MCL 15.265).