Course Placement

Course placement and proctored exams

Most of our course placement is being done using High School GPA and SAT/ACT scores. For dual enrollment students you may use pSAT scores. Please e-mail or call 313-845-9600 for more information, or discuss your placement while meeting with advising.

We offer services that include placement testing and proctoring academic tests for some of our online courses, our CLT-101 exam, and our nursing program entrance exam.

In person testing in the Welcome Center

When you arrive at the Welcome Center you will check-in at the front desk. Please remember to bring a valid photo ID with you to your appointment. You must be checked in for testing 2 hours prior to close.

Contact Us

Hours during Winter Semester:
Monday - Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Located in the Welcome Center (WC)

You must be checked in for testing 2 hours before close.

Placement testing hours may be affected by other proctoring services offered. Please call ahead to ensure placement testing is available.

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Review the following information for different placement testing needs.

If you have questions not answered here, please contact for assistance.

Dual Enrollment/Collegiate Academy/Early College

  • Our preferred placement method for non-ESL dual enrollment/collegiate academy/early college students is SAT/pSAT scores.
  • If a student in this category does not have SAT/pSAT scores, please email our office at and include your HFC student ID# with the dual enrollment course you plan to take and we will determine if testing is required.
  • Students who have English as a second language must take our CaMLA placement test.

English as a second language students

If you have English as a second language you must come in to take the CaMLA placement test.

Classes Placement Score
ENG-131 75-80
ENG-131E + English 095E 70-74
ELL-182 + ELL-192 68-74
Level 6 ELI/NCELI 61-67
Level 5 ELI/NCELI 53-60
Level 4 ELI/NCELI 39-52
Level 3 ELI/NCELI 31-38
Level 2 ELI/NCELI 21-30
Level 1 ELI/NCELI 7-20

English placement for students who’s first language is English.

  • GPA
    • 3.0+ = ENG-131
    • 2.0 – 2.99 = ENG-131A + ENG-094 (ALP)
    • 1.0 – 1.99 = ENG-090A
  • SAT: Score reports can be emailed to
    • EBRW score 470+ = ENG-131
    • EBRW score 410 – 460 = ENG-131A + ENG-094 (ALP)
  • ACT
    • Please contact our office with questions about ACT placement score requirements:
  • Accuplacer Reading
    • 240+ = ENG-131
    • 231-239 = ENG-131A + ENG-094 (ALP)
    • 205-230 = ENG-090A

Math Placement

  • Students who graduated in the last 10 years with an overall high school GPA of 2.5+may qualify to take (You must meet all prerequisites to qualify for the gateway math courses)
    • MATH-110
    • MATH-131
    • MATH-141
  • Students who graduated over 10 years ago and/or have an overall high school GPA below 2.5 qualify for our co-requisite math pairings (You must meet all prerequisites to qualify for the gateway math courses)
    • MATH-010 + 110 (Intermediate Algebra and its support course)
    • MATH-031 + 131 (Math for the Modern World and its support course)
    • MATH-041 + 141 (Introduction to statistics and its support course)
Classes MATH SAT Score MATH ACT Score
MATH-103 500-530 20-21
MATH-110 500-530 20-21
MATH-112 540-620 22-26
MATH-115 540-620 22-26
MATH-121 540-620 22-26
MATH-131 500-530 20-21
MATH-141 540-620 22-26
MATH-150 540-620 22-26
MATH-175 630-690 27-31
MATH-180 700-800 32+
Accuplacer Math (AAS = Advance Algebra and Statistics; QAS = Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra and Statistics; Arithmetic)
Classes AAS QAS
MATH-103 225-249 255-300
MATH-110 225-249 255-300
MATH-112 250-269
MATH-115 250-269
MATH-121 250-269
MATH-131 225-249 225-300
MATH-141 235-269 270-300
MATH-150 250-269
MATH-165 250-269
MATH-175 270-289
MATH-180 290-300

If you are currently enrolled in Math or English courses, you may not retest in that subject until 2 weeks prior to final exams even if you meet the following retesting rules:

  • CaMLA
    • Retest 30 days after the first attempt
    • 3rd and final test attempt available 90 days after second attempt
  • Accuplacer Reading
    • Retest 24 hours after first attempt
    • Must have an advisor permission for 3rd and final attempt
  • Accuplacer Math
    • Retest 24 hours after first attempt
    • 3rd and final test attempt available 90 days after second attempt